Instrument Maneuvers/Procedures Flashcards
IFR Clearance Mnemonic
Clearance Limit
Transponder Code
Changing Your Flight Plan Enroute Mnemonic
Fuel (to flameout in X+XX)
Time Enroute (in X+XX)
Direct to a NAVAID Procedure
- Tune, Identify, and Monitor the desired NAVAID
- PFD Source = VOR
- Bearing Pointer #1 = VOR
- Turn the shortest direction to place Bearing Pointer #1 head under the Heading Indicator
- Set the current course in the CDI with the correct “TO” indication (Use the Press & Hold function of the CDI button)
- Track the new course
Tracking Procedure
- Establish aircraft on the desired course
- Maintain heading = course until deviation is noted via the CDI center bar and the Bearing Pointer
- Determine Wind Direction using TAIL-RADIAL-WIND
- Turn to re-intercept the desired course using TAIL-RADIAL-TURN (or just turn the direction the CDI center bar is displaced)
- Set crab into wind to maintain course (use HDG bug to bud the WCH)
Six T’s
- TIME: Time could be noted, started, or not needed depending on the situation
- TURN: Turn in the shortest direct to a heading that will parallel or intercept the outbound course
- TIME: Time could be noted, started, or not needed depending on the situation
- TRANSITION: Initiate altitude, airspeed, or configuration transition as required by the situation
- TWISTERCEPT: Set the new course in the CDI with the “FROM” indication (Use the Double-the-Angle method which involves doubling the angle between the tail of the bearing pointer and the head of the new course arrow)
- TALK: Make any voice reports as required
Over-the-Station Intercept Procedure
Known as the 6 T’s
- TIME: As required
- TURN: Turn in the shortest direct to a heading that will parallel or intercept the outbound course
- TIME: As required
- TRANSITION: Initiate altitude, airspeed, or configuration transition as required by the situation
- TWISTERCEPT: Set the new course in the CDI with the “FROM” indication (Use the Double-the-Angle method which involves doubling the angle between the tail of the bearing pointer and the head of the new course arrow)
- TALK: Make any voice reports as required
Outbound-Outbound & Inbound-Inbound Radial Intercepts
- Tune, Identify, and Monitor the Station
- Set CDI to the new course (if outbound = same at the desired radial——if inbound = reciprocal of the desired course)
- Turn to the intercept heading by turning towards the deviation bar and placing the head of the course arrow in the top half of the HSI on a 45° benchmark
- Maintain intercept heading until you can turn onto the new desired course (when the CDI bar starts to close in)
- Track on the new course/radial
Outbound-Inbound Radial Intercepts
- Turn onto new course/radial. Maintain the intercept heading until able to make a SRT onto the new course. The rate of the bearing pointer and CDI movement will increase close to the station due to radial spacing.
- Track on the desired course/radial.
Radial-to-Arc Intercepts
- Proceed direct to the arc entry point
- Calculate lead point DME based on what kind of turn you’re using (SRT = 0.5% groundspeed or 1/2 SRT = 1% groundspeed)
- Determine turn direction at lead-point
- Start a SRT at the lead point to place the head of the bearing pointer on the 90° benchmark
How do you increase DME when arcing?
Put the bearing pointer head below the 90° benchmark
How do you decrease DME when arcing?
Place the bearing pointer above the 90° benchmark
Arc-to-Radial Intercepts
- Use 60-1 rule to determine the number of radials per mile
- Determine the turn radius of the aircraft for a 90° turn
- Find the lead radial: LEAD RADIAL = LEAD DME x radials per mile
- Start a SRT onto the new course at the lead radial
- TIM the Station
- Set the desired new radial on the CDI
- Turn to a HDG approx between head of the bearing pointer and head of the CDI
- Use pencil method to update the HDG enroute
Passing Through a VOR/DME Intersection Procedure
- Establish aircraft on course to the intersection using the primary NAVAID.
- Track the primary course until the indicated DME reached the published fix DME.
- Note time, if required for reporting purposes.
- Continue tracking outbound from the fix on the same course used inbound.
Turning onto a New Course at a VOR/DME Intersection Procedure
- Establish aircraft on course to the intersection using the primary NAVAID.
- Track the primary course until the indicated DME reached the published fix DME.
- Tune in the secondary NAVAID used for the next route section
- Set the new course into the CDI
- Maintain a wind corrected heading for the primary course until starting a turn onto the new course (Use lead DME calculation to lead the turn)
- Note the time when the aircraft is wings level and on course or when the correct intercept has been established
Passing Through a VOR Only Intersection Procedure
- Establish the aircraft on course to the intersection using the primary NAVAID.
- Approximately 3 minutes prior to your intersection ETA, tune the secondary NAVAID. (If the tail of the bearing pointer is not yet 10° or less prior to secondary radial…retune the primary NAVAID and continue to track on the primary course for AT MOST 1 MIN and then retune the secondary NAVAID again)
- Once the tail of the bearing pointer is 10° or less prior to the secondary radial, maintain the wind corrected heading for the primary course until the tail of the bearing pointer rises to the secondary radial.
- Note the time, if required, and retune the primary NAVAID to continue tracking the primary course.
- If already passed the intersection, estimate the time you passed the intersection (if required for a report).
Turning onto a New Course at a VOR Only Intersection:
- Establish the aircraft on course to the intersection using the primary NAVAID.
- Approximately 3 minutes prior to intersection ETA, tune the secondary NAVAID.(If the tail of the bearing pointer is not yet 10° or less prior to secondary radial…retune the primary NAVAID and continue to track on the primary course for AT MOST 1 MIN and then retune the secondary NAVAID again)
- Once the tail of the bearing pointer is 10° or less prior to the secondary radial, maintain the wind corrected heading for the primary course until the tail of the bearing pointer rises to the secondary radial.
- Maintain the wind corrected heading for the primary course until commencing the turn onto the new course.
- If time is required for reporting purposes, note the time when aircraft is wings level out of the turn, on course, or with an appropriate intercept established.
- If already passed the intersection, make the turn to the new course and set up an intercept to establish the aircraft on course in a timely manner. Estimate the time you passed the intersection (if required for reporting).
ABCD Mnemonic for Entering the Terminal Area
ATIS: Get ATIS/ASOS/AWOS when within 100nm of desination
Brief: Brief the appropriate approach plate
Cockpit Setup: Ensure that the the system is correctly set for the correct approach
Descent Checklist: Complete the descent checklist
**Can be accomplished in ANY order but all items should be complete prior to the IAF
Enroute Descent Procedure
- Report leaving current altitude for the new assigned altitude.
- Establish and maintain an enroute descent configuration
- Complete the Descent Checklist (if not previously accomplished).
- Approximately 1000 feet prior to level off, adjust pitch to slow rate of descent to between 500-1500 fpm.
- Level off at assigned altitude and transition to desired cruise speed.
**At 1000 feet above the assigned altitude, pilots shall limit their rate of descent to 500-1500 fpm until the assigned altitude is reached.
Terminal Descent Procedure
- Report leaving assigned altitude.
- Establish and maintain a terminal descent configuration
- Complete Descent Checklist (if not previously accomplished).
- Approximately 1000’ prior to level off, (retract speed brake if used) adjust power as required to establish a rate of descent between 500-1500 fpm.
- Level off at the assigned altitude, resetting power to maintain airspeed.
Radar Vectors to Final (RVFAC) Procedure
- Tune, identify, monitor the appropriate NAVAID.
- Check the PFD is configured properly; switch to the appropriate PFD source for the approach in use and check your cockpit setup (DLIDS/LDDHA).
- Set the final approach course into the CDI.
- Follow radar vectors given by approach control.
- If a lower altitude is assigned, perform a terminal descent.
- Transition to BAC when within 5nm of the FAF and the aircraft is heading within 90º of the FAC OR once established on the FAC and cleared for the approach if no FAF is depicted.
- When cleared for the approach, maintain the last assigned altitude and heading given by ATC until established on the approach. As the CDI begins to center, and you are cleared for the approach, you are expected to turn onto the final approach course and track inbound.
- Once established inbound, comply with the approach plate.
Procedure Turns Procedure
- Approximately 5 nm prior to the IAF, slow to 150 KIAS. At the IAF, indicated by station passage, execute the Six T’s with one minute outbound timing
- Level off at Procedure Turn altitude.
- At the end of outbound timing, execute the 45/180 course reversal using the depicted barb headings. Start the clock as you roll wings level and maintain this outbound heading for 1 minute. Twist in the inbound course into the CDI.
- At the end of one minute timing, execute a 180° turn in direction opposite of the first turn to the indicated barb heading. Approaching the barb heading, note the head of the bearing pointer: (If the head of the bearing pointer is more than 5° from the inbound course, stop the turn on the heading depicted on the barb. If the head of the needle is less than 5° from the inbound course, continue the turn and roll out with a double-the-angle intercept. If you overshoot the inbound course, turn to establish an appropriate intercept.)
- As you intercept the inbound course, turn and track inbound.
- Once established on the inbound course and within 5 nm of the FAF, configure to BAC. Maintain altitude until reaching 120 KIAS then commence any descent required (slow down, then go down).
- Comply with the remainder of the instrument approach procedures.
Holding-In-Lieu of Procedure Turn (HILO PT) Procedure
- Approximately 5 nm from the IAF, slow to 150 KIAS. At the IAF, indicated by station passage, execute the Six T’s
- Determine direction for turn to intercept the inbound course (TAIL-RADIAL-TURN).
- At the completion of the outbound leg, turn inbound. Roll out of the turn with an appropriate intercept to establish the aircraft on the inbound course prior to crossing the holding fix.
- Once established inbound and within 5 nm of the FAF, make a level or descending transition to BAC (slow down then go down).
- Comply with the remainder of the instrument approach procedures.
**Only one orbit (the entry orbit) is authorized for this maneuver
Non-Depicted Teardrop Procedure
- Approximately 5 nm prior to the IAF, slow to 150 KIAS. At the IAF, indicated by station passage, execute the Six T’s with the initial turn to the parallel outbound course being +/- 20° to the protected barb side and two minutes of outbound timing
- Level off at Procedure Turn altitude.
- After 1.5 minutes of outbound timing, twist the inbound course into the CDI but do not turn towards it
- At the end of two minutes og timing, execute a turn in the depicted direction. Approaching the barb heading, note the head of the bearing pointer: (If the head of the bearing pointer is more than 5° from the inbound course, stop the turn on the heading depicted on the barb. If the head of the needle is less than 5° from the inbound course, continue the turn and roll out with a double-the-angle intercept. If you overshoot the inbound course, turn to establish an appropriate intercept.)
- Once established on the inbound course and within 5 nm of the FAF, configure to BAC. Maintain altitude until reaching 120 KIAS then commence any descent required (slow down, then go down).
- Comply with the remainder of the instrument approach procedures.
Straight-In Procedure
- Approximately 5 nm prior to the IAF, slow to 150 KIAS. Excute the Six T’s AT the IAF:
- Comply with altitude restrictions on the approach.
- Once established inbound, comply with the remainder of the approach procedures.
What is the D-LIDS mnemonic?
DME Hold: Set if required
Localizer Frequency: Tune, Identify, Monitor the Localizer
Inbound Course: Set the CDI to Final Approach Course
Display: Set PFD source to LOC
Speed: Appropriate speed for transition procedure
ILS Approach Procedure
- As soon as practical, set thr NAVAIDs and perform DLIDS
- Transition to BAC in accordance with the associated transition procedure
- Set power to 24% at glideslope intercept anad descend to the DA/DH on course and glideslope
- Start timing at the non-precision FAF, if available
- Upon reaching the DA/DH, if the runway environment is in sight and a safe landing can be made, continue descent and transition to landing. If not, execute the missed approach.
Localizer Approach Procedure
- As soon as practical, set the NAVAIDs and perform DLIDS
- Transition to BAC in accordance with the associated transition procedure.
- At the non-precision FAF, perform the Six T’s with backup missed approach timing being started on the first T
- Approx. 100’ prior to the MDA, set approximately 42% power and transition to level flight at or above the MDA. Continue tracking to the MAP.
- If the runway environment is in sight and a safe landing can be made, maneuver to land (sooner than the published or computed VDP). If not, excute the missed approach.
What is the LDDHA mnemonic?
Load: Load GPS Approach
Direct: To IAWP
Display: Set PFD source to FMS
Hold: If the approach requires a HILO, ensure that the waypoint appears in the legs page with the /H suffice
Approach Mode: Verify the “APR” mode at 2NM from MAWP on the PFD
PAR Procedure
- Promptly comply with vectors/altitudes provided by the controller. Maintain situational awareness at all times. Acknowledge all transmissions until instructed otherwise.
- Transition to BAC and complete the Before Landing Checklist when established on final or on dog leg to final within 15 nm of the airport. (The transition to BAC and the BLC should be completed prior to glideslope interception.)
- Contact the final controller when directed. The initial call to the final controller should include the status of the current gear.
- Once the final controller advises you are “ON GLIDEPATH”; set power to 24%, establish 120 KIAS, 600 fpm descent and continue to comply with assigned headings.
- At the DH/DA (as noted on altimeter or controller statement), if the runway environment is not in sight or you are not in a position to make a safe landing, execute the missed approach or climbout instructions.
ASR & PAR w/o Glideslope Procedure
- Promptly comply with vectors/altitudes provided by the controller. Maintain situational awareness at all times. Acknowledge all transmissions until instructed otherwise.
- Fly 200 KIAS on downwind and 150 KIAS on base leg (if being vectored on an extended final or extended dogleg to final, maintain 200 KIAS until within 15 nm of the airport).
- Transition to BAC and complete the Before Landing Checklist when established on final or on dog leg to final within 15 nm of the airport. (The transition to BAC and the BLC should be completed prior to glideslope interception.)
- Contact the final controller when directed.The initial call to the final controller should include the status of the current gear.
- Descend to the MDA when directed.
- When utilizing recommended altitudes: set power to 24% (like precision) and trim for 120 KIAS descent to MDA. Adjust rate of descent as required to meet recommended altitudes.
- When not utilizing recommended altitudes: set power to 15% (like non-precision) and trim for 120 KIAS descent to MDA. Adjust pitch to maintain airspeed and power to maintain a stabilized rate of descent not to exceed 1000 fpm.
- Approximately 100’ prior to MDA, initiate level off. Maintain MDA and assigned headings until the MAP.
- The controller will advise when the aircraft has reached the MAP. If the runway environment is not in sight or you are not in a position to make a safe landing, execute the missed approach or climbout instructions.
No-Gyro Approach Procedure
- Request a No-Gyro PAR or ASR approach.
- Comply with normal PAR or ASR approach procedures.
- Turn immediately when directed using SRT (not to exceed 30 AOB) until on final, then make all turns at 1/2 SRT unless otherwise directed.
- Acknowledge all instructions unless directed “no need to acknowledge further transmissions.”