Important IFR Info Flashcards
IFR Lost Comms After Takeoff
- Climb on last ATC assigned HDG/route
- Squawk 7600
- Maintain 1600’ MSL
If comms w/ Corpus Depature cannot be re-established within 3mins…climb and maintain 2,600’ MSL. After reach 2600’ MSL, proceed direct to an approach aid/fix and execute a published approach to KNGP
IFR Lost Comms In The GCA Pattern
Execute if no transmissions are recieved for 1 minute in the GCA pattern
- Squawk 7600
- Proceed direct to an approach aid/fix for NAS Corpus Christi
- Execute a published approach to the RWY in use
IFR Lost Comms On GCA Final Approach
Execute if no transmissions are recieved for 5secs on a PAR and 15secs on an ASR
- Attempt to contact KNGP tower and proceed VFR and land
If unable to:
2. Alter course to intercept an instrument approach course for the runway in use and execute the approach
3. Climb and maintain 1600’ MSL
4. Proceed direct to an approach aid/fix serving KNGP and execute a published approach to the runway in use
Lost Comms on a Local Coded Flight Plan
- Squawk 7600
- Climb on last ATC assigned HDG/route until reaching assigned altitude
- After reaching assigned altitude, proceed direct to an approach aid/fix and execute a published approach to Navy Corpus
Holding Airspeeds
- Below 6000’ MSL: 200 KIAS
- From 6001’ to 14,000’: 230 KIAS
- Above 14000’: 265 KIAS
What are the NAVAID COPs?
- For straight route segments: halfway between NAVAIDs for
- For routes with a dogleg: at the radial intersections (tune in the new NAVAID 10 DME prior)
- When depicted on the IFR chart with the straight “Z” symbol
FAA Airspeed Limits
- Below 10,000’ MSL: 250 KIAS
- Within Class B airspace: 250 KIAS
- Below Class B airspace: 200 KIAS
- In Class D airspace: 200 KIAS
- Below 2500’ MSL or within 4NM of Class C or D airport: 200 KIAS
Full Scale CDI Deflection in VOR Mode
10 radials
Full Scale CDI Deflection in LOC Mode
2.5 radials
Full Scale CDI Deflections in FMS Mode
Enroute: 2NM
Terminal: 1NM
Approach: 0.3 NM
Why would you execute a Missed Approach?
On a Non-Precision Approach and Runway Environment is not in sight:
1. Full scale CDI deflection inside of FAF
2. At the MAP DME
3. At the MAP based on timing
On a Precision Approach and Runway Environment is not in sight:
1. At the decision height
2. When directed by ATC
1. Or when not in a safe position to land
ILS Final Off Glideslope Procedures
If more than one dot below glideslope:
* Restrict altitude to no lower than non-precision MDA until glideslope re-established or the MAP is reached
If more than two dots above glideslope:
* Continue inbound but revert to underlying non-precision approach procedures
If full scale CDI deflection occurs between FAF and MDA:
* Turn to re-establish the FAC while simultaneously climbing to the missed approach altitude
What does the circling area radius guarantee?
It guarantees 300’ of obstacle clearance within the circling radius
Visual Illusions
- Wide Runways: gives the impression of being lower/closer to the ground…could result in an early/high flare
- Narrow Runways: gives the impression of being higher off the ground…could result in a late flare
- Bright Lights: gives the impression of being high
Procedure for Loss of GPS Integrity Prior to the FAWP
- Transition to backup approach if available
If not available:
2. Continue on course to the FAWP maintaining FAWP altitude
3. At the FAWP, continue on course to the MAWP while maintaining FAWP altitude
4. At the MAWP, execute the published missed approach or assigned climbout
Procedure for Loss of GPS Integrity Inside of the FAWP
- Transition to a backup approach if available
If not available:
2. Climb to missed approach altitude
3. Continue on course to the MAWP