Lab - Vit A Det Flashcards
1 IU Vit A= ___ retinol
0.3 mcg
Qualitative method of Vit A Det: retinol + esters react with these 2 acids to form a particular color
Trifluoroacetic acid
Trichloroacetic acid
In quanti det of Vit A, the sample is first __ (process)
Then a (tool) is used
[qualitative det]
The addition of ____(reagent) produces suspensjon of fluor in solvent
[qualitative det]
The addition of ___ & __ (rgts) : improve separation
Saturated saline soln
[qualitative det]
After centrifugation, layers are formed. Organic layer is color __
[qualitative det]
__ color indicates presence of Vit A
[qualitative det]
Intensity of color indicates__
Conc of Vit A in sample
[Qualitative det]
If blue/light blue color is observed, how must the findings be reported?
Positive and above 0.5mg/kg
[quantitative det]
Enum components of HPLC
Operating pump Injector Reverse phase C18 column Photometric detector Data integrator
[quanti det]
Standard to be used when running with samples with vit A conc below 1.5mg/kg
Low standard 2
[quanti det]
Antioxidant added to each standard and sample flask
Pyrogallic acid
[quanti det]
What does the glass bead do?
Promote even boiling
[quanti det]
Role of glacial acetic acid soln
Neutralize KOH
[quanti det]
The higher the ___ in the sample, the more precipitate will form
Fat content
[quanti det]
Mobile phase + ratio : identify
[quanti det]
Flow rate : identify
1.3 mL/min
[quanti det]
Wavelength : identify
323 nm
[quanti det]
Retention time : identify
11-12 min
[Quanti det]
Injection of standards must be repeated until ___
Peak heights/areas are reproducible
[quanti det]
Intersperse with standard solution injections after every __ samples
[quanti det]
What is mg(std) in formula for response factor for vit A?
mg (std)=mg of USP std wt in rgts
[quanti det]
What is mL(std) in formula for response factor for vit A?
mL of std used in procedure
[quanti det]
What is C(std) in formula for response factor for vit A?
Conc of USP Vit A as per certification
[quanti det]
What is PH(std) in formula for response factor for vit A?
Peak height/area of standard fr chromatogram
[quanti det]
What is 10,000 in formula for response factor for vit A?
Combined dilution factor for vit A std
[quanti det]
What is PHsam in formula for vit A content?
Total sample peak height or area of all-trans
[quanti det]
What is 100 in formula for vit A content?
Dilution volume of sample
[quanti det]
What is W in formula for vit A content?
Weight of sample in g
Vit A: a grp of fat soluble compounds that have bio activity of __