Lab 8 Flashcards
Corpus cavernosum
Spongy tissue that fills with blood to form erect penis
Corpus spongiosum
Spongy tissue that fills with blood to form erect penis, maintains an open urethra for sperm to exit
Foreskin, protects glans, innervated by sensory organs involved in arousal
Spermatic cord
Collection of vessels, nerves, muscles and ducts that extend through the abdominal wall to testes
Cremaster muscle
Thermoregulation of testes
Vas deferens
Passage of gametes from epididymis to ejaculatory duct
Pampiniform plexus
Blood supply to testes, Thermoregulation of testes
Duct for sperm passage that connects testes to vas deferens
Ejaculatory duct
Passage for sperm, connects vas deferens to urethra
Internal urethral orfice
Opening of bladder into urethra
Prostatic urethra
Portion of urethra that runs through prostate gland
Spongy urethra
Runs through corpus spongiosum of penis
Produces 30% of semen volume, contains sugar and chemicals needed to mobilize sperm and make female duct suitable for sperm
Seminal vesicles
Produces 60% of semen volume, contains sugar and chemicals needed to mobilize sperm, make female duct suitable for sperm
Bulbourethral glands
Produces 5% of semen volume, chemicals needed to neutralize male urine and make female duct suitable for sperm
Interstitial/Leydig cells
Produce testosterone, in testes
Sustentacular/sertoli cells
Cells of seminiferous tubules that support sperm development
Process of making functional sperm that includes mitosis, meiosis and spermiogenesis
Mons pubis
Fat on pubis that grows pubic hair, protects pubic bone, and produces secretions for sexual function
Labia minora
Inner folds of skin around vaginal opening that produce secretions to lubricate vagina
Sensory organ for arousal, made of corpus spongiosum connected to larger erectile bodies
Uterine tube (fallopian tube)
Duct that conducts gametes from ovary to uterus and sperm from uterus towards ovulated eggs
Finger like extensions of uterine tubes that catch ovulated eggs
Wide region of uterine tubes where fertilization occurs
Narrowed portion of uterine tubes that conducts sperm towards egg and egg/zygote towards uterus
Portion of the uterus that is opposite the opening and grows upward during pregnancy
Body of uterus
Where implantation occurs
Inferior portion of uterus that extends into the vagina, contains glands that produce mucous important for selecting sperm and forming plug during pregnancy
Os of cervix
Opening of uterus into vagina
Produce eggs, estrogen, progesterone, inhibin
Broad ligament
Anchors superior aspect of uterus, uterine tubes, ovaries in place
Suspensory ligaments
Connect ovaries to abdominopelvic wall
Ovarian ligaments
Connect ovaries to uterus and hold them in place
Round ligaments
Ligaments that extend from uterus through abdominal wall to external genitalia, anchors
Primordial follicle
Earliest stage of follicle development consisting of a developing gamete and a single layer of follicle cells around it
Mature follicle
Latest stage of follicle development, many layers of follicle cells, fluid filled antrum, ready to ovulate ovum
Luteal phase
Corpus luteum (unovulated follicle) grows and produces progesterone
proliferative phase
In uterine cycle when endometrium rebuilds, lines up with follicular phase of ovarian cycle
Secretory phase
In uterine cycle, endometrial glands produce sugar secretions, occurs simultaneously with luteal phase
First period
Declining estrogen and ovulation that results in irregular periods
Low estrogen, diagnosed after 12 months of no menstruation
Semen through ducts