Lab 2 Flashcards
Cerebral hemispheres
Higher brain functions
Shallow valleys between ridges
Ridges that increase surface area available for neurons
Longitudinal fissure
Deep valley between hemispheres
Transverse fissure
Deep valley between cerebrum and cerebellum
Cerebral Cortex
Gray matter bark, site of neuron synapsing
Corpus callosum
White matter track between cerebral hemispheres, carries information between halves of the cerebrum
White matter track inferior to the corpus callosum that carries information into the limbic system
Frontal lobe
Personality, judgement, perception, reasoning, somatic motor control, some olfactory perception
Parietal lobe
Somatosensory perception, language, math
Temporal lobe
Hearing perception, facial recognition, some olfactory perception
Occipital lobe
Vision perception
Taste perception
(Under lateral sulcus)
Central sulcus
Division between frontal and parietal lobes
Precentral gyrus
Somatic motor control primary cortex
Postcentral gyrus
Somatosensory primary cortex
Lateral sulcus
Shallow valley between temporal and frontal/parietal lobes
Gray matter relay station for ascending sensory or descending motor information
Intermediate mass (thalamus)
Gray matter connection between two halves of the thalamus
Gray matter region, master control of endocrine system, autonomic nervous system, emotions, body temperature, osmotic balance
Mammillary bodies
Gray matter relay station for olfactory information, important for memory,
Stalk of axons that connects pituitary to hypothalamus
Pituitary gland
Part glandular (anterior) to release hormones, part neuroendocrine (posterior cells are hormone releasing neurons)
Cerebellar hemispheres and vermis
Unconscious somatic motor control to smooth, refine and coordinate movements
Gray matter of cerebellum, site of synapsing
Involves in unconscious motor control and reflex synapsing
Superior colliculus
Site of visual pathway synapsing for visual reflex
Inferior colliculus
Site of auditory pathway synapsing for auditory reflex
(Part of corpora quadrigemina)
White matter tracks that connect cerebrum to cerebellum and brain to SC, vegetative functions
Medulla oblongata
Vegetative functions
White matter tracks for descending SM information
Choroid plexus
Produce CSF from capillary/ependymal cells
Septum pellucidum
Division between left and right lateral ventricles
Interventricular Foramen
Fluid movement between lateral ventricles
Cerebral aqueduct
Canal for fluid movement between 3rd and 4th ventricles
Fourth ventricle
Contains CSF, continuous with central canal of SC