Lab 3 Flashcards
Anterior median fissure
Deep groove in anterior of spinal cord, contains fold of pia mater
Posterior median sulcus
Shallow groove at posterior of spinal cord
Posterior (dorsal) gray horn
Posterior gray matter of spinal cord, contains cell bodies of interneurons that receive sensory information from periphery
Anterior gray horn
Anterior gray matter in SC that contains cell bodies of somatic motor neurons
Lateral gray horn
Lateral gray matter of spinal cord that contains cell bodies of autonomic motor neurons
Gray commissure
Connection between left and right gray matter areas, contains axons
Central canal
Hollow area in middle of spinal cord that contains CSF, lined by ependymal cells
Posterior white funiculus (white column)
Posterior white matter of SC, contains neurons carrying sensory information to brain
Anterior funiculus (white column)
Anterior white matter of SC that contains neurons carrying both ascending sensory information to brain and descending motor information to the anterior gray horn
Lateral funiculus
Lateral white matter of SC that contains neurons carrying both ascending sensory information to brain and descending motor information to the anterior gray horn
Spinal cord segment
Transverse section of SC that gives rise to a pair of spinal nerves
Conus medullaris
Terminal end of SC which tapers inferiorly, includes sacral and coccygeal spinal cord segments
Filum terminale
String of pia mater that extends from the conus medullaris to the sacrum, anchors the SC
Cervical enlargement
Expanded region of SC that contains neurons that extend into upper limb
Lumbar enlargement
Expanded region of SC that contains neurons associated with the lower limb
Ascending sensory tracts
Axons of neurons that carry information from inferior regions toward superior regions of the SC and upwards to brain
Descending motor tracts
Axons that carry information from superior regions towards inferior regions including away from brain
Spinothalamic pathway
Series of synapsing neurons that carry pain and temperature information from periphery towards brain
Cervical Plexus
Brachial plexus
Lumbar plexus
Sacral Plexus
Network or interwoven mass of blood vessels or nerves, interlace to serve a region, allows for backup
Filum terminale
Long CT that connects conus medullaris to coccyx