Hormones Flashcards
Produced and released by adrenal medulla
targets cells: all body cells
Actions: sympathetic effects
Stimuli for release: neurogenic stimuli that promote sympathetic effects
inhibited by parasympathetic activities
*epi has slightly more impact on heart, norepinephrine has slightly more impact on blood vessels
Corticotropin releasing factor (CRH)
Produced and released by hypothalamus
target cells: cells in anterior pituitary that make ACTH
Actions: stimulates anterior pituitary to make and release ACTH
stimuli for release: daily biorhythms and mental or physical stressors
inhibited by negative feedback by corticosteroids or hypothalamus
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
Produced and released by anterior pituitary
target cells: cells of adrenal cortex
Actions: stimulates adrenal cortex to make and release corticosteroids
Stimuli for release: CRH
Inhibited by: decreased CRH, negative feedback from corticosteroids
Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH)
Produced and released by hypothalamus
Target cells: cells in anterior pituitary that produce TSH
Actions: stimulates cells of anterior pituitary to make and release TSH
Stimuli for release: low blood thyroid hormone, cold, pregnancy, high sympathetic inputs
Inhibited by: negative feedback from thyroid hormone
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Produced and released by cells of anterior pituitary
Target cells: cells of thyroid gland
Actions: stimulates thyroid gland to make and release TH
Stimuli for release: TRH
inhibited by: negative feedback by thyroid hormone on both anterior pituitary and hypothalamus
Thyroid Hormone (TH or T3, T4)
Produced and released by thyroid gland
Target cells: all body cells
Actions: baseline metabolic rate, increases body temperature and heart rate, increases activity of sodium potassium pumps, increases mitochondrial number and activity
Stimuli for release: TSH
Inhibited by: typical negative feedback
Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)
Produced and released by hypothalamus
Target cells: cells of the anterior pituitary that make GH
Actions: stimulates anterior pituitary cells to make and release GH
Stimuli for release: pulsatile pattern, with increases associated with sleep, exercise, or protein (starvation?)
Inhibited by: typical negative feedback
Growth hormone inhibiting hormone (GHIH)
Produced and released by the hypothalamus
Target cells: cells of anterior pituitary that make GH
Actions: inhibits the cells in the anterior pituitary that make and release GH
Stimuli for release: GH, IGFs
Inhibited by: stimuli that trigger GHRH
Growth hormone (GH, somatostatin)
Produced and released by cells of anterior pituitary
Target cells: all body cells, particularly musculoskeletal system
Actions: stimulates cells to take in protein for growth, promotes cells to use fatty acids for energy, stimulates liver to make IGFs
Stimuli for release: GHRH
inhibited by: GHIH
Insulin like growth factors (IGFs)
Produced and released by liver
Target cells: all body cells
Actions: stimulates cells (bone, muscle, cartilage) to uptake proteins for growth, promotes calls to use fatty acids for energy
Stimuli for release: GH
Inhibited by: typical negative feedback mechanism that limits GH
Produced and released by alpha cells of pancreas
Target cells: muscle, liver, fat
Actions: glycogen breakdown in muscle, glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis in liver, fat lysis
Stimuli for release: low blood sugar, high sympathetic inputs, high blood amino acids
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Produced and released by beta cells of pancreas
Target cells: all body cells except neural
Actions: stimulates cells to uptake glucose, stimulates liver and cells to make glycogen, stimulates glucose conversion to fat and fat storage, amino acid uptake and protein formation
Stimuli for release: high blood sugar, high parasympathetic inputs, high blood amino acids or fatty acids, any hyperglycemic agent
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
Produced and released by parathyroid glands
Target cells: bone, kidney cells, GI tract
Actions: stimulates osteoclasts to destroy bone and release Ca++ into blood, stimulates absorption of Ca++ into GI tract, inhibits Ca++ loss in urine
Stimuli for release: low blood Ca++
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Produced and released by thyroid gland
Target cells: bone, kidney, GI tract
Actions: stimulates osteoblasts to build bone which removes Ca++ from blood, inhibits absorption of Ca++ into GI tract, promotes calcium loss in urine
Stimuli for release: high blood calcium
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Glucocorticoids (cortisol, corticosterone)
Produced and released by adrenal cortex
Target cells: liver, all body cells
Actions: gluconeogenesis in liver, protein destruction (to make amino acids available for gluconeogenesis), immune suppression, some fat lysis
Stimuli for release: ACTH
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
Produced by hypothalamus
Released by posterior pituitary
Target cells: blood vessels, nephrons
Actions: blood vessel constriction, kidney retention of water
Stimuli for release: high blood salt (osmoreceptor in hypothalamus), low blood pressure
Produced by hypothalamus
Released by posterior pituitary
Target cells: uterine cells, myoepithelial cells of mammary ducts
Actions: uterine contractions, milk ejection
Stimuli for release: uterine stretching, nipple stimulation
Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)
Produced and released by hypothalamus
Target cells: cells of anterior pituitary that produce FSH and LH
actions: stimulates anterior pituitary to make FSH and LH
Stimuli for release: puberty, low sex hormones
Inhibited by: negative feedback by estrogen and testosterone, FSH, LH on hypothalamus
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
Produced and released by anterior pituitary
Target cells: gonads (sustentacular cells, follicle cells)
Actions: stimulates ovaries and testes to make gametes, stimulates ovaries to make follicles and secrete estrogen
Stimuli for release: GnRH from hypothalamus, triggered by puberty
Inhibited by negative feedback by estrogen and testosterone on hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Produced and released by anterior pituitary
Target cells: gonads (interstitial (Leydig) cells, follicle cells and eggs)
Actions: stimulates egg division, ovulation and secretion of estrogen and progesterone by ovaries, stimulates secretion of testosterone by testes
Stimuli for release: GnRH from hypothalamus triggered by puberty
Inhibited by negative feedback by estrogen and testosterone on anterior pituitary
Produced an released by interstitial (Leydig) cells of testes
Target cells: all body cells, sustentacular cells
Actions: sperm formation, secondary sex characteristics, body growth, sex organ maintenance, libido, CNS health
Stimuli for release: LH
Inhibited bu typical negative feedback
Produced and released by follicle cells of ovaries, placenta
Target cells: all body cells, uterus, ovaries
Actions: promotes ovulation by feedback on pituitary and hypothalamus, regulates uterine cycle, secondary sex characteristics
Stimuli for release: LH
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Produced and released by follicle cells of ovary (corpus luteum) and placenta
Target cells: uterus and breasts
Actions: regulates secretory phase of uterine cycle, pregnancy, development of milk production tissues
Stimuli for release: LH
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Produced and released by cells of ovaries and testes
Target cells: hypothalamus and anterior pituitary
Actions: inhibit production of GnRH, FSH, LH
Released when high levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
Inhibited by typical negative feedback
Produced and and released by anterior pituitary
Targets mammary gland cells
Actions: mitosis of mammary gland epithelia, induces mammary gland epithelia to make milk, may have a role in testosterone production in males
Stimuli for release: pregnancy, suckling, hypothyroidism, removal of PIH
Inhibited by: prolactin inhibiting hormone (dopamine) from hypothalamus, negative feedback
Water soluble hormones
Peptides: prolactin, ADH, Oxytocin, PTH, Glucagon/insulin, GH/GHIH/GHRH/IGF, GNRH/FSH/LH/inhibin, TSH/TRH, calcitonin, CRH/ACTH
Catecholamines: epinephrine, NE
Fat soluble hormones
Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, androgen, TH (T3 and T4), glucocorticoids