Lab 4 - Examination of Four Major Tissue Types Flashcards
Any organ/structure in the body is composed of 2 cell types
Parenchymal cells
support cells
Parenchymal cells
carry out the major function of that organ/structure
Support cells
provide the structural scaffolding and metabolic support of the organ. Support cells and their ECM are commonly known as connective tissue
What determines the appearance of the ECM
the arrangement of the fibrillar proteins of the ECM and the relative amount of fibrillar protein and glycoasaminoglycans (GAGs) determines the appearance on the ECM.
four catergories of connective tissue
CT porper
CT proper =
loose and dense
loose = reticular, areolar
dense = regular, irregular
need to make proteins (collagen and elastin) so there is lots of rER
Dense CT
they have very little space between them
Dense regular CT
They are regularly aligned, same direction
Dense irregular CT
They are haphazardly arranged
pink/red fibres =
brown/black/purle =
a lot finer in structure than collagen
Very few elastin fibres … in dense regular CT
collagen fibres run in thick parallel bundles, therefore provide great tensile strength when pulling force is applied in one direction
Present in tendons, most ligaments
Baking the bones
Baking deanaures the organic component i.e. it denatures the protein, therefore the collagen is destryed removing the tensile strength so the bone becomes very brittle
Vinegar bath for the bones
Acetic cides degraded the inorganic part of bone i.e. calcium salts dissolved by vinegar thus making matrix less rigid and apparently bendy
only collagen layers are left
affects the calcium phosphate in the bone
Dense CT ECM features
Densely packed parallel collagen fibres, a few elastin fibres therefore withstands tensile stress when pulled in one direction
Hyaline cartilage ECM features
Collagen fibres present but form amorphus matrix, chondrocytes lie in the lacunae therefore resists compressive stress i.e. firm but flexible
Compact bone ECM features
Hard calcified matrix, osteocytes lie in lacunae within matrix, therefore supports and protects and acts as a lever