L81-L84 Pulmonary Flashcards
What happens in high pressure pulmonary edema?
Elevated LVEDP causes elevated hydrostatic pressures which result in increased edema formation
What are the three stages of edema formation in the lungs?
- Interstitial pulmonary edema
- Crescentic filling of alveoli
- Alveolar flooding
What are the signs of high pressure pulmonary edema on physical exam?
- S3
- Hepatomegaly
- Edema
- Cool extremities
- Thready pulse
What are the signs of high pressure pulmonary edema in CXR?
- Vascular engorgement
- Perihilar infiltrates
- Cephalization (plump apical blood vessels)
- Kerley B lines
- Pleural effusions
What are causes of high pressure pulmonary edema?
- LV systolic or diastolic dysfunction
- Mitral valve disease
- Acute renal failure - hypervolemia with normal cardiac function
What is seen on histology in high pressure pulmonary edema?
Engorged alveolar capillaries
Intraalveolar pink grany precipitate
Hemosiderin-laden macrophages
What are the treatments for high pressure pulmonary edema?
- Oxygen
- Decrease preload (nitrates, diuretics, venodilators)
- Decrease afterload (ACEI, hydralazine)
- Increase contractility (dobutamine, milrinone)
What happens in low pressure pulmonary edema (ARDS/ALI)?
Increased permeability causes increased edema (exudative)
What are some causes of low pressure pulmonary edema?
Sepsis, trauma pancreatitis
What are the signs of low pressure pulmonary edema on physical exam?
Lack of signs of elevated filling pressures
If sepsis - warm extremities, bounding pulses, wide pulse pressure
Early in low pressure pulmonary edema, ___ is the primary problem. Later, ___ becomes more problematic.
Refractory hypoxemia; hypercapnia
What are the signs of low pressure pulmonary edema on CXR?
Four quadrant fluffy infiltrates; rarely pleural effusions and cardiomegaly
Compare the following in high and low pressure pulmonary edema:
Pulse pressure
Wedge pressure
Breath sounds
Pulse pressure: narrow vs. wide
Wedge pressure: >20 vs. <18
Breath sounds: crackles vs. crackles or clear
How is low pressure pulmonary edema treated?
- Address underlying problem
- Lower hydrostatic pressures
- Oxygen (though it doesn’t work that well due to this being a shunt)
- Mechanical ventilation
Pulmonary arterial obstruction leads to what 4 things?
- Increased PVR
- Redistribution of blood flow (V/Q mismatch)
- Hyperventilation
- RV pressure overload, ischemia
What are risk factors for a PE?
- Active cancer
- Previous VTE
- Reduced mobility
- Thrombophilic condition
- Recent trauma/surgery
- Elderly (>70 y/o)
- Heart/respiratory failure
- Acute MI or ischemic stroke
- Acute infection/rheumatologic disorder
- Obesity
- Ongoing hormonal treatment
What are the most common symptoms of PE? Less common?
Most common: pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea
Less common: non-pleuritic chest pain, apprehension, cough, hemoptysis, syncope
What are the most common signs of PE? Less common?
Most common: respiration >16/min, rales, increased S2P
Less common: tachycardic, febrile, phlebitis, gallop, diaphoresis, edema, murmur, cyanosis
What are some possible findings of PE on CXR?
- Cardiomegaly
- Nothing
- Pleural effusions
- Elevated hemidiaphragm
- PA enlargement
- Atelectasis
What is a good sensitive (but not specific) test for PE?
What is a good specific (but not sensitive) test for PE?
Lower extremity ultrasonography
What are several other diagnostic tests for PE?
V/Q scan, pulmonary or CT angiography
How is a PE treated?
- Prevention
- Anticoagulation (heparin, coumadin, new oral anticoagulants)
- IVC filter (catches clots before they go to the lungs, reduces rate of recurrence)
- Thrombolytics (only helps in shock)
- Surgical/Catheter Thrombectomy
What are normal pulmonary artery pressures?