L7: Spinal Degenerative Diseases Flashcards
Anatomical Overview of the vertebra
Pathology in Degenerative Disease of the Spine
Compression of the spinal Cord
Most Common Myelopathy
Cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM)
Most Common Radicular Pain
sciatica - brachialgia
Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Arthritis
Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Bone Spurs
Symptoms of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Myelopathy
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Radiculopathy
Red Flags of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Others
RF for Spinal Degenerative Diseases
- Aging.
- Genetic predisposition.
- Smoking, diet, weight.
- Occupational (heavy lifting).
- Sedentary lifestyle.
Types of Spinal Degenerative Diseases
A) Disc bulge.
B) Annular tear.
C) Herniation.
Def of Disc Bulge
Normal IVD
Classification of Disc Bulge
Def of Annular Tear
Disruption of concentric collagenous fibers comprising the anulus fibrosus.
Types of Annular Tear
MRI of Annular Tear
Def of Disc Herniation
Types of Disc Herniation
Types of Disc Herniation
- Protrusion
The base of the herniated disc material is broader than the apex.
Types of Disc Herniation
- Extruded Disc Herniation
The base of the herniation is
narrower han the apex (toothpaste sign)
Types of Disc Herniation
- The Third Type?
Regions Affected by Disc Herniation
Epidemeology of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Pathoanatomy of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Prognosis of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- 90% of patients will have improvement of symptoms within 3 months with nonoperative care
Reabsorbtion in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- def
- Mechanism
- Type
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- According to Location
- According to Anatomy
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Acoording to location
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Central Prolapse
- Often associated with back pain only
- May present with Cauda equina syndrome (surgical emergency)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Posterolateral Prolapse (Paracentral)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Foraminal Prolapse (Far Lateral, Extraforaminal)
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Axillary Prolapse
Can affect Both exiting and descending nerve roots
Classification of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- According to Anatomy
Dx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Physical Examination
- Imaging
- Neurophysiological
Dx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Physical Examination
- Neurological exam (sensory-motor-reflexes).
- Provocative tests
Dx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Imaging
Imaging in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
MRI (Investigation of choice)
- Most accurate assessment of lumbar spine area
- There is a 29% prevalence of disc herniation in asymtomatic individuals.
Imaging in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- CT
Imaging in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- X-ray
traction spurs & disc space narrowing
Dx in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Neurophysiological
Symptoms of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Def of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Serious neurologic condition in which damage to the cauda equina
Pathophysiology of Cauda Equina Syndrome
- Loss of function of the lumbar plexus (nerve roots) of the spinal canal below the termination (conus medullaris) of the spinal cord (Lower motor neuron lesion
Symptoms of Cauda Equina Syndrome
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- L4
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- L5
Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- S1
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Straight Leg Raise
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Contralateral SLR
Crossed straight leg raise is less sensitive but more specifid
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Lassegue Sign
SLR aggravated byforced ankle dorsiflexion
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Bowstring Sign
SLR aggravated by compression on popliteal fossa
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Kernig Test
Pain reproduced with neck flexion, hip flexion, and leg extension
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Nafziger Test
- Pain reproduced by foughing
- Instigated by lying patient supine & applying pressure on neck veins
Provocative Tests in Lumbar Disc Prolapse
- Milgram Test
- Pain reproduced with straight leg elevation for 3o seconds in the supine)position
DDx of Lumbar Disc Prolapse
Prognosis of Lumbar Disc Prolapse