L5: Brain Tumors Flashcards
Def of Brain Tumors
Classification of Brain Tumors
Classification of Brain Tumors
- According to Anatomy
Anatomical Classification of Brain Tumors
- Tentorium
Classification of Brain Tumors
- Axial or Not
Classification of Brain Tumors
- Pathological
Most Common 1ry Brain Tumors
2nd Most common 1ry Brain Tumor
Classification of Brain Tumors
- Affected Lobe
Incidence of Pediatric brain tumors
Most common Primary Brain Tumors
Sites & Types of Pediatric brain tumors
Supra-tentorial Pediatric brain tumors
- Astrocytoma
- Pineal tumors
- Craniopharyngioma
Infra-tentorial Pediatric brain tumors
CP of Pediatric brain tumors
The presenting clinical features of posterior fossa neoplasms in children are related to:
- Raised intracranial pressure.
- Focal neurological signs.
CP of Brain Tumors
Increased ICP
Mass effect & Midline Shift
Functioning pituitary adenoma
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
- Frontal Lobe
- Contralateral UMNL weakness.
- Contralateral motor Jacksonian or generalized seizures.
- Expressive (Brocaβs) dysphasia.
- Personality changes.
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
- Temporal Lobe
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
- Occipital Lobe
Visual disturbances
- Contralateral cortical blindness.
- Visual hallucinations or agnosia.
- Photosensitivity seizures.
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
- Parietal Lobe
Sensory deficits
- Contralateral disturbed cortical sensation.
- Contralateral sensory or generalized seizures.
Focal CP of Brain Tumors
- Cerebellar
Disturbance in coordination and equilibrium.
Dx of Brain Tumors
Dx of Brain Tumors
- Gold Standard
MRI Brain with contrast
TTT of Brain Tumors
Incidence of Glioma
Most common Primary Brain Tumors
Source of Glioma
Malignant tumors arising from glial tissue
Types of Glioma
Types of Glioma
- Astrocytoma
Types of Glioma
- Oligodendroglioma
- Slowly growing
- Usually calcified tumor arising in the cerebral hemispheres.
Types of Glioma
- Meduloblastoma
- Highly malignant tumor
- Usually in children
- Arising in relation to the vermis of the cerebellum.
Types of Glioma
- Ependymoma
- Intraventricular tumor
- Arising from the ependymal cell lining.
CP of Glioma
- Headache
- Seizures
- Language difficulty
- Behavioral Changes
- Hemiparesis
Radiology of Glioma
TTT of Glioma
Source of Meningioma
Benign tumors arising from arachnoid cells.
Types & Grades of Meningioma
Sites of Meningioma
CP of Meningioma
Radiology of Meningioma
Radiology of Meningioma
- Plain X-ray
Radiology of Meningioma
Radiology of Meningioma
- Angiography
TTT of Meningioma
Surgical Resection +/- Radiosurgery and/or chemotherapy
Source of Acoustic Shwannoma
- Arise mostly from superior vestibular nerve (Schwann cells)
in internal auditory meatus - May grow into the cerebellopontine angle (containing V, VII & VIlI cranial nerves)
CP of Acoustic Shwannoma
Radiology of Acoustic Shwannoma
TTT of Acoustic Shwannoma
Surgical Resection +/- Radiosurgery
Source of Pituitary Adenoma
- Mostly benign tumors
- Arise mostly from the anterior lobe
CP of Pituitary Adenoma
Radiology of Pituitary Adenoma
TTT of Pituitary Adenoma
Types of Pineal region Tumors
CP of Pineal region Tumors
- Headache
- Hydrocephalus
- Perinaudβs Syndrome
Radiology of Pineal region Tumors
TTT of Pineal region Tumors
- Surgery endoscopic biopsy or open resection and Radiotherapy depending.on histopathology.
Radiology of 2ry Metastatic Brain Tumors
TTT of 2ry Metastatic Brain Tumors