L28: Flaviviridae: Pestiviruses (Romero) Flashcards
Bovine viral diarrhea virus chars.
- heterogenous group of related viruses
- causes Bovine viral diarrhea (an acute epizootic infection) and Mucosal disease (a spordic lethal enzootic disease of persistently-infected bovines)
Bovine viral diarrhea virus susceptible hosts
- cattle
- buffalo
- antelope
- llamas, alpacas
Epi of Bovine viral diarrhea virus
- non-pregnant cattle: mostly calves
- pregnant cattle: transplacental infection to embryo/fetus
- persistent infection in calves and mucosal disease
Path. of Bovine viral diarrhea virus
- replicates in nasal mucosa/tonsils
- spreads to regionl LN and systemically
- most infections subclinical
- causes ulcerative lesions throughout GIT
Trans. of Bovine viral diarrhea virus
- respiratory, fomites, secretions, placental tissues
- poor trans. from acutely-affected animals
- persistently-infected bovines are life-long shedders
- in utero infections have varying consequences depending on age of fetus (younger may cause abortion, while older causes malformation)
Mucosal disease
- caused by dual infection of cytopathic and non-cytopathic biotypes of BVDV (cytopathic biotype is generated from bovines persistently infected with non-cytopathic biotype)
- study lect. 27 for the rest of info on this*
BVDV is what type of virus?
Pestivirus and Rotavirus
What genera of viruses are contained within Paramyxoviridae?
viruses of utmost veterinary importance
Paramyxovirinae (ex. Morbilliviruses (canine distemper))
Paramyxoviridae enveloped?
Hemagglutinin (H) used for:
viral attachment; neutralizing Ab made mostly against H
Fusion (F) protein fx
- mediates viral entry via fusion of virion and cell memb.
- cell-mediated immunity
- mediates fusion with other cells during replication
Canine distemper chars.
- highly contagious
- uncommon in US/Europe
- dogs, foxes, racoons, ferrets, etc.
7 lineages of canine distemper virus based on Hemagglutinin gene**
Asia-1 Asia-2 America-1 America-2 Arctic-like Europe European wildlife
CS of Canine Distemper
- variable, depending on strain/host
- 50% infections sub-clinical
- Mild distemper: fever, ocular secretions, cough
- Sever distemper: fever, leukopenia, depression, bacterial infection, bronchopneumonia, encephalitis
CNS involvement of canine distemper
neuro signs occur 1-3wks after onset of acute signs
- poor prognosis
- progressive
- survivors develop sequelae
Trans. of canine distemper
- shed in all secretions, even before onset of CS
- mainly by resp. transmission by direct contact with infected droplets
- young very susceptible
inclusion bodies of canine distemper
within neuts, lymphocytes
Path. of canine distemper
- replicates in macs, then spreads to tonsils and regional LN
- lymphoid cells affected –> immunosuppression
- mononuclear cell viremia and systemic spread
- infection of epi. cells occurs late in infection
Dx of canine distemper
- RT-PCR and sequencing of H gene** needed to distinguish vax from field viruses!
- virus isolation from lymphocytes
- histopath of lung/brain/bladder in dead animals
- serology
immunity/prevention/control of canine distemper
- life long immunity
- control: vax and quarantine
- live-attenuated vax neutralized by maternal Ab
- Tx: Hyperimmune serum/Immunoglobulins post-exposure