L25 Lung Disease And Control Of Respiration Flashcards
What are the two categories of lung diseases?
- Obstructive - Aiways have become narrowed or blocked, making it harder to breathe out
- Restrictive - These conditions limit the expansion of the lung, reducing the amount of air that can be inhaled
Obstructive - struggle to breathe out
Restrictive - struggle to breath in
What does a flow-volume relationship show you?
Shows the relationship between the airflow speed (flow) and lung volume during a forced exhalation and inhalation
What would a flow - volume graph look like?
- Exhalation = positive. Steep increase until it reaches peak expiratory flow and then slow decreases
- Inhalation = negative, steady decrease and then sharp increase back to 0
What does FEV mean?
Forced expiratory volume - measures the amount of air a person can exhale during a forced breath within a second
What does VC mean?
Vital capacity- the maximum amount of air a person can expel from the lungs after a maximum inhalation
What would a volume time graph look like during FEV and CV?
Sharp increase for 1 second (this is FEV) and then a little increase and plateau for VC
What are the potential reasons for the narrowing of airways?
1) Inflammation
2) Excess secretions (mucus)
3) Bronchoconstriction (tightening of bronchi and bronchioles) - asthma
Increased resistance to the flow of air
What is the difference between normal and obstructive spirometry?
Decrease FEV1
FVC and FEV would be similar in a normal one but FEV in obstructive would approximately be half of the FVC
What would the difference be in a normal and an obstructive volume-time graph?
- Shape in obstructive would be less steep compared to normal graph
- Takes longer to exhale a given volume of air
- FVC is unaltered but decrease in FEV1
What would the difference be in a normal and an obstructive flow volume loops?
- Negative side of the graph would be the same since it represents inhalation
- Positive side of the graph would be a sharper decrease for obstructive flow
Volume on X
Flow on Y
What part of the flow-volume loop is represented below the x axis (the negative deflection)?
Negative deflection represents inspiration
Negative flow: Represents air moving into the lungs
What is ‘flow’ in the lungs?
Flow refers to the speed at which air moves in and out of the lungs
- Inhalation: Air flows into the lungs
- Exhalation: Air flows out of the lungs
What does positive and negative flow mean?
- Positive flow: Represents air moving out of the lungs (exhalation)
- Negative flow: Represents air moving into the lungs (inhalation)
What are the most common obstructive diseases?
- Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - structural changes
- Chronic Bronchitis - excessive mucus production
- Emphysema - alveoli walls damaged which leads to loss of elasticity
What is asthma?
Chronic lung diseasae that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways in the lungs. Characterised by hyper-active airways