L20 - Nervous System Anatomy Flashcards
What are the divisions of the nervous sytem?
- central nervous system (CNS)
- peripheral nervous syrem (PNS)
What parts include the CNS?
- brain
- spinal cord
What parts include the PNS?
Nerves in the rest of the body
What is the simple sequence in the nervous system?
- afferent from periphery (sensory)
- to NS
- efferent back to periphery
What is the periphery?
Everything outside NS
What are the different types of NS?
- somatic - somatic motor (muscles under voluntary control, consicous)
- autonomic - visceral motor (subconscious movement)
What are the different regions of the spinal nerves?
- cervical
- thoracic
- lumbar
- sacral
What are the different inputs to the CNS?
- touch and visceral input
- sight
- sound
- smell
- taste
What are the different touch and visceral inputs?
- mechanoceptors (touch)
- proprioceptors
- nociceptors (pain)
- thermoceptors (temp/heat)
- chemoceptors (chemicals)
What are the different part in the cross section of spinal cord?
- grey matter
- white matter
- dorsal root
- dorsal root ganglion
- dorsal root ganglion cell
- vental rool
- sensory neuron
- sensory receptor
What part of the spinal cord does the input go into?
The dorsal part
What is the sequence of steps for the input from the sensory receptor go into the spinal cord (monosynaptic reflex)?
- sensory receptor
- dorsal root ganglion cell
- dorsal root
- input goes in through dorsal side
- gray matter
What are the sequence of steps after the input reaches the spinal cord (monosynaptic reflex)?
- input goes out through ventral side
- ventral root
- spinal nerve
- muscle
What is an examples of the monosynaptic spinal reflex?
Muscle stretch
What are the sequence of steps in the muscle stretch?
- tendon of quadriceps hit = stretches
- proprioceptors in the muscle spindle detect stretch of tendon
- send signal through dorsal side
- alpha motorneuron causes quadriceps to contract