L16 Flashcards
Semantic memory is the memory of general __ and facts. The ___ lobe and ___ ___ cortex collect information from different brain areas to create semantic memory
knowledge, temporal, inferior parietal
Episodic memory is the ____ memory of an event or ___, including the who, what and ___. The ____ is responsible for creating and recalling episodic memory
autobiographical, experience, where, hippocampus
Emotional memory is the memory of the ___ you felt during an experience, and is supported by the ___
emotions, amygdala
Procedural memory is the memory of how to perform a common ___ without _____ thinking. The ___ is associated with producing procedural memory and creating new ____
tasks, active, striatum, habits
When there is sensory input, sensory memory keeps the memory, but if it is ______, it is lost. If it is attended to, it enters short term memory, and any memory there that is ___ will be lost. Memories that are ___ will enter long term memory. Some memory in LTM may be lost over ___
unattended, unrehearsed, encoded, time
There are ____ trillion synapses in the cerebral cortex. 1 synapse is ____ bits, and 1 bit is ____ bytes. So, the brain has _____ TB of storage capacity.
125, 4.7, 0.125, 74
______, persistent changes in synaptic ____ underlies learning and memory
experience-dependent, efficacy
long lasting strengthening of synapses based on previous patterns of activity
long term potentiation
__ ___ becomes the neural substrate that encodes the experience. Collection of neurons fire together at the same time of learning, and this ____ firing strengthens / _____, the synapses between the neurons, resulting in increased synaptic ____, increasing the likelihood of firing at the time of ____
cell assembly, synchronous, potentiates, strength, retrieval
LTP is historically and predominately studied in the _____, but a variety of other brain regions such as the ___, ___ and ____ also show LTP processes.
hippocampus, amygdala, cortex, cerebellum
To stimulate LTP, a very high ___ stimulation is given to _____ neuron A, and the ____ neuron B is recorded. In regular LTP, over time, neuron A has to fire ___ to get more firing in neuron B. In dendrites without their ___ ___, LTP can decay over time.
frequency, presynaptic, postsynaptic, less, cell bodies
There are many possible mechanisms for LTP, such as more ____ on the postsynaptic neuron, or more ____ in the presynaptic neuron.
receptors, firing
Early phase LTP is ______ and ___ activity independent, and results in __ ____ memory consolidation that last a minutes to a few hours. It is independent of __ ___
kinase, cAMP, short term, protein synthesis
Late phase LTP involves __ ___, ___ ___ and is ___ dependent. It results in _____ memory consolidation that lasts hours to weeks to ____.
gene transcription, protein synthesis, cAMP, years
Glucocorticoid’s effects on memory consolidation are ______. Glucocorticoids can enhance or impair memory consolidation by facilitating or _____ LTP in the ___ and _____. This follows an inverted ____ dose-response curve. At low levels, corticosterone is positively correlated with the strength of _______ potentiation, but at high levels, corticosterone is ____ correlated with it
bipotential, suppressing, amygdala. hippocampus, U-shaped, hippocampal, negatively
diamond et al. used ______ electrophysiology in vivo in anesthetized rats, and a stimulation protocol to mimic neural input to the _____ that could induce _____. In animals that were intact or had an _______, there was a low population spike. In animals that had an adrenalectomy and _____ug of _____, there was a higher population spike. Past this concentration, the population spike went _____. However, since the data was around ___ minutes post-induction, they could not disentangle between early phase and _____ LTP.
extracellular, CA1, LTP, adrenalectomy, 20, CORT, down, 30, late-phase
Lupien et al., used accuracy on a _____ _____ task, which assays ______ ___ ___ memory. The task involved a ___ minute delay, and administration of _____, which inhibited CORT production. This inhibition of endogenous CORT ____ performance when there was a delay
word recall, declarative short term, 30, metraypone, impaired
In lupien et al’s 2nd experiment it was found that ___ GC treatment in the late ____ when endogenous CORT levels were low _____ performance on word recall, providing overall faster __ ____.
exogenous, afternoon, enhanced, reaction times
CORT’s effects on LTP is dependent on the amount there is relative to ____/ ____ levels
endogenous, baseline
Mineralocorticoids and glucocoricoids can easily go ___ ___, and target brain regions that are important for -_ and ____.
into cells, learning, memory
Mineralocorticoid receptors have a high affinity of ______, (higher than that for _____), and have a restricted _____, with higher expression levels in the ____, ____, lateral ____ and __ ___in the brain stem. they maintain ___ and ___ in networks, and ____ LTP
glucocorticoids, aldosterone, distribution, amygdala, hippocampus, septum, motor nuclei, excitability, stability, increase
glucocorticoid receptors have _____x lower affinity for glucocorticoids than MRs, and are ____ distributed and abundant all over the brain but particularly dense in the __ and ____ (cingulate). They ___ and ___ network activity and ___ LTP
10, widely, hippocampus, PFC, suppress, normalize, decrease
First, glucocorticoids bind to ____, and ____ them to ____ memory. Then, GCs begin to bind to _____, and saturate them, resulting in ______ memory.
MRs, saturate, improve, GRs, impaired
Avital et al found using extracellular electrophysiology that pharmacological blockade of ___ but not ___, prevented LTP. Blocking both ____ LTP. They also found that ___ ____ ______ decreased LTP compared to controls, and this effect was exacerbated by __ blockade. However, when _____ were antagonized in acute stress animals, LTP was ____. This is because MRs were already _____ due to the stressor, and ____ were blocked, so ___ CORT could not bind to them, and LTP remained high
MRs, GRs, abolished, acute swim stress, MR, GRs, enhanced, saturated, GRs, excess
Long term memory is enhanced for _____ events, in other words, emotional stimuli are remembered better than non-emotional stimuli. Being in an emotional state at or near the time of ____ enhances ____ and _____. However, ___ does not equal emotion. There is a common misconception that the _____ ____ tracks negative emotion and will respond to any stimulus that feels subjectively bad or ____. ____ ____ and cortisol levels are not the same thing.
emotional, encoding, consolidation, acquisition, stress, HPA axis, pleasant, subjective stress
Cahill et al used a ___ scan and videos with mostly ___ clips or ____ clips. They ____ which video was shown first, with sessions that were ___ days apart. After ___ weeks, there was a recall test. Clips from the ___ film were confirmed to gain a higher emotional rating, and were more likely to be ___ than the neutral films. There was also a positive correlation between the number of emotional films recalled and __ ___ activity, and this was not seen for neutral films. This shows that amygdala activity is only correlated with memory performance under conditions of emotional _____
PET, emotional, neutral, counterbalanced, 3-7, 3, emotional, recalled, right amygdala, arousal
Okuda et al., performed a novel object recognition task, where one group was ___ to the apparatus, and one groups was not. The group that was not was the __ ___ group. Afterwards, animals were either given ___ or ____, then placed back in the test. A ___ hr retrieval test when CORT was still high, showed _____ discrimination between the old and novel object in animals in the ___ ___ condition who were administered _____mg/kg CORT. Those in the low arousal condition showed _____ effect, with all doses of CORT. After 24 hours, when CORT was normalized, there was still ___ ___ of CORT in the habituated group, but ____ discrimination in animals in the high arousal conditioned administered 1mg/kg of CORT
habituated, high arousal, saline, CORT, 1, impaired, high arousal, 1, no, no effect, enhanced
Smeets et al., had three groups, one where a stressor was given ___ a word list, (encoding) one where it was given ___ the word list (consolidation) and one where it was given before ____ _____ ____ (retrieval) The stressor was a __ ___ ___ that increased salivary CORT levels. Compared to no stress controls, the _____ stress group showed enhanced recall of emotional but not ____ words, and this was ___ correlated with CORT. The ___ stress group performed worse, and had neutral and emotional recall accuracy ____ correlated with CORT. There was no effect for the ___ stress group.
before, after, delayed cued retrieval, cold pressor task, consolidation, neutral, positively, retrieval, negatively, encoding
Roozendaal et al., 2003 trained rats in a morris water maze and administered a ____ ___ or saline ___ hours later directly into the ____. __ hour later was a retrieval test. The GR agonist _____ performance. This effect was reversed by ____ ____ lesions.
GR agonist, 24, hippocampus, 1, decreased, bilateral BLA
Roozendaal and McGaugh 1997, found that infusing a GR agonist into the hippocampus during ____ _____ inhibitory avoidance behaviour. A GR _____ impaired water maze spatial performance. These effects were reversed by lesioning the _____ but not the _____. In conclusions, glucocorticoids can impair or enhance memory in the presence of the ___, but do nothing without it. Additionally GR _____ infusion in the BLA during encoding ____ water maze spatial performance.
encoding, enhances, antagonist, BLA, CeA, BLA, antagonist, impaired.
Roozendaal & McGaugh’s 1996 experiment showed that systemic ____ treatment or a GR _____ infusion in the BLA during consolidation, ____ inhibitory avoidance performance
dexamethasone, agonist, enhanced
Roozendaal et al., 2003, found that a unilateral GR agonist infusion in the ____ during consolidation ____ inhibitory avoidance behaviour. This was blocked by ___ but not ___ BLA lesions
mPFC, enhanced, contralateral, ipsilateral
Intra-BLA infusions of ____ antagonists at encoding blocked ____ effects of ____ treatment at consolidation. This shows that glucocorticoids effects on memory depend on _____, and that through unknown mechanisms, this exerts ___ effects on memory consolidation.
beta-adrenoreceptor, enhancing, DEX, NE, enhancing
Daily ____ CORT administration for __ days increased the number of active ____ neurons in the ____ at rest. Normally, the LC releases ___ into the ___, which increases the firing rate of cells that project to ____ regions such as the __ and ____, but not the striatum.
systemic, 7, Ne-releasing, LC, NE, BLA, limbic, hippocampus, CeA
To summarize the pathway, glucocorticoids and ___ trigger ___ NE release. This NE binds to _____ receptors in the ____. This binding results in the __ and __ ___ pathway to be activated. This affects how the BLA ___ to other brain regions
epinephrine, LC, beta-adrenergic, BLA, cAMP, protein kinase, projects