L15 - resp physio 3 Flashcards
what is Va / Q
matching alveolar ventilation to total lung perfusion (Q)
what does a higher Va / Q show
under perfused
under perfused regions act like alveolar dead space
what does lower Va / Q
under ventilated
over perfused
under ventilated regions behave like R to L shunts diluting the O2
what is the normal Va /Q value
what do higher / lower than normal Va/Q lead to?
reduced PO2
what is anatomical R to L shunt
bronchiole veins draining into pulmonary vein
hat are physiological R to L shunts
any other causes of the mixing of deoxy blood with oxy blood
how can we compensate for mismatch in Va/Q caused by areas being poorly ventilated
hypoxic vasoconstriction
constrict arteries that go to poorly ventilated areas, so the blood flows through ventilated areas instead
how does Va / Q mismatch occur in normal healthy lung
- gravity causes Pip to become more negative at apex
than base - causes Ptp to become more positive at apex
- alveoli more expanded at apex (before inspiration)
- alveoli at base are more able to expand - more
ventilation at base - also causes more perfusion at base, apex arterioles may collapse at some points during cardiac cycle
what contributes to resistance in airways
- radius of tubes
- no. of tubes in parallel
- congestion
- resistance decreases from trachea - bronchioles
what causes bronchodilation (chemical/neural)
adrenaline (B2)
what causes bronchoconstriction (chemical/neural)
ACh (muscarinic Rs - PNS)
inflammatory cells
what stimulates ACh to cause bronchoconstriction
- irritant R’s
2. Stretch R’s
what is lung compliance a measure of
measure of how easily lungs are expanded by given change in pressure
determines work needed to be done by respiratory muscles
what physical factors affect respiratory resistance
- increase in airway resistance eg asthma
- inspiration decreases resistance
- forced expiration (exercise) increases resistance
what is surface tension
force in alveoli due to water cohesion
function of surfactant
prevents alveolar collapse by reducing surface tension in smaller alveoli