Knowhow and information constituting commercial secret Flashcards
What information is recognized and protected as know-how and information constituting a commercial secret in Russia?
Proprietary and confidential information may be protected in Russia under two different regimes: as know-how or so-called “information constituting a commercial secret.”
Know-how, i.e., information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational, etc.) relating to (i) the results of intellectual activity in the scientific and engineering sphere, and (ii) methods of carrying out professional activity, are protected as IP in accordance with the Civil Code, if such information meets certain requirements set by law:
• such information has actual or potential commercial value not known to third parties
• there is no free legal access to such information
• the owner of such information takes reasonable measures to maintain such information’s confidentiality, including though the establishment of a special commercial secrets regime with regard to such information.
Information constituting a commercial secret is protected in accordance with Federal Law No. 98-FZ “On Commercial Secret” (the “Commercial Secret Law”). Information constituting a commercial secret is defined as information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and other), including, but not limited to, information on the results of intellectual activity in the scientific and technical areas, as well as information on the methods of carrying out professional activity. Criteria for the protection of commercial secret information are similar to know-how protection criteria but, instead of a general requirement to maintain confidentiality, the Commercial Secret Law mandates the establishment of a so-called commercial secret regime with regard to information constituting a commercial secret.
the Commercial Secret Law mandates
Закон о коммерческой тайне обязывает, предписывает, требует
strict mandatory requirements
Строгие обязательные требования
What steps should be taken for legal protection of know-how and information constituting a commercial secret?
Before 1 October 2014, the establishment of a commercial secret regime in accordance with the Commercial Secret Law was mandatory for both for know-how and information constituting a commercial secret.
Since 1 October 2014, the Civil Code does not provide any special technical or organizational requirements to establish a know-how regime. Thus, the owner of information, in its sole discretion, chooses and takes measures that it deems reasonable for the protection of the confidentiality of knowhow. In general, these measures may include adopting local acts and policies establishing the confidentiality of certain information, determining the information that must be deemed know-how, taking organizational measures to ensure limited access to such information, warning employees and counterparties about confidentiality, etc. However, to the extent technically feasible, it is still highly recommended that the Commercial Secret Law requirements be considered “best practice” while taking measures to maintain the confidentiality of information.
In relation to information constituting a commercial secret, the Commercial Secret Law sets strict mandatory requirements for the steps and actions that must be taken by an owner, in particular:
• creating a list of information constituting a commercial secret
• limiting access to the information constituting a commercial
secret by establishing and implementing control procedures
• creating a list of persons who have been given access to the information constituting a commercial secret, including, e.g., employees and counterparties of owners of such information
• regulating the relations on the use of information constituting a commercial secret by employees on the grounds of employment agreements and by contractors on the grounds of civil agreements
• affixing “commercial secret” markings on tangible media (documents) containing the information constituting a commercial secret with a reference to the owner of such information and their/its full name and address.
Additionally, the Commercial Secret Law contains a list of information that cannot be considered information constituting a commercial secret, even if the above-mentioned criteria are met. For example, information on violations of legislation, on factors that negatively affect the safety of people (such as environmental pollution, fire safety, sanitary- epidemiological and radiation conditions, and food safety) and some labor conditions cannot be protected as commercial secrets.
To divulge information
Like disclosure
Раскрыть информацию
the extent to which the information is known outside of the particular business entity
Степень, в которой информация известна за пределами конкретного субъекта предпринимательства
the extent to which the information is known by employees and others involved in the business
Степень, в которой информация известна сотрудникам и другим лицам, участвующим в бизнесе
the extent to which measures have been taken to guard the secrecy of the information
Степень, в которой были приняты меры для защиты секретности информации
the value of the information to the business
Ценность информации для бизнеса
the difficulty with which the information could be properly acquired or independently duplicated by others
Сложность, с которой информация может быть должным образом получена или независимо дублирована другими
criminal prosecution for trade secret theft
Уголовное преследование за кражу секрета производства
damages in trade secret misappropriation actions
Ущерб в исках о присвоении коммерческой тайны
federal trade secret statute
ФЗ о коммерческой тайне
independent conception, defense to trade secret claim
Независимая концепция, защита от заявления о коммерческой тайне
injunctions in trade secret cases
Запреты в делах о коммерческой тайне
predetermination of rights in technical data
Предварительное определение прав в технических данных
temporary restraining order
Временный запретительный судебный приказ
territorial restriction agreements—trade secrets
Соглашения о территориальных ограничениях - торговые тайны
trade secret misappropriation action
Иск о неправомерном присвоении коммерческой тайны
tying arrangements
Соглашения о навязывании
unjust enrichment and trade secrets
Неосновательное обогащение и коммерческая тайна
accidental disclosure of trade secrets
случайное разглашение коммерческой тайны
information that is inadvertently disclosed to the public
Информация, которая непреднамеренно раскрыта обществу
covenant not to compete by employee
A noncompetition agreement /noncompete
Обязательство сотрудника не вести конкуренцию
to unfairly discriminate
недобросовестно дискриминировать
conspiracy in restraint of trade and monopolistic practices
сговор в целях ограничения торговли и монополистической практики
illegal restraint of trade
незаконное ограничение торговли
licensing of trade secrets
лицензирование секрета производства
competitive advantage (edge)
конкурентное преимущество
reasonably precautionary measures to protect trade secrets
Разумные меры предосторожности для защиты коммерческой тайны