Kinesiology 5 Flashcards
Muscular System
a fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone
musculotendinous junction
point where muscle meets tendon
tenoperiosteal junction
point where tendon meets bone
more movable bone
the more stable bone
normal muscle action
insertion to origin
reverse muscle action
origin to insertion
parallel muscle fibers
tend to be longer and thus have a greater potential for shortening and producing more range of motion
oblique muscle fibers
tend to be shorter, but more numerous. They tend to have greater strength potential, but a smaller range of motion potential
strap muscle
parallel muscle fiber, long and thin with fibers running the entire length of the muscle
fusiform muscle
parallel muscle, has shape similar to that of a spindle. It5 is wider in the middle and tapers at both ends. most, but not all, fibers run the length of the muscle. The muscle may be of any length size
rhomboidal muscle
parallel muscle, four-sided, usually flat, with braod attachments at each end
triangular muscle
parallel muscle, flat and fan shaped with fibers radiating from a narrow attachment at one end to a broad attachment at the other
oblique muscle, looks like one side of a feather, a series of short fibers attaching diagonally along the length of a central tendon
bipennate muscle
oblique muscle, looks like a common feather, fibers are obliquely attached to both sides of a central tendon
multipennate muscle
oblique muscle, has many tendons with oblique fibers in between
normal resting length
the length of a muscle when it is not shortened or lengthened, it has no forces or stresses placed upon it
the ability to respond to a stimulus
the muscle’s ability to contract and generate force when it receives adequate stimulation
a muscles’s ability to stretch or lengthen when a force is applied
a muscle’s ability to recoil or return to normal resting length when the stretching or shortening force is removed
groups of muscle fibers that are bound together into a bundle
small bundles of fiber that composes a muscle fiber
functional divisions that are partitioned longitudinally in myofibrils
separate sacromeres
actin filaments
one of two small filaments that a sacromere is comprised of
one of two small filaments that a sacromere is comprised of. These filaments have heads that when stimulated reach out to bind with actin filaments. Once bound they exert force on the actin filament and pull the actin filaments together
sliding filament theory
describes the interaction between the actin and the myosin and explains how force is produced during a muscle contraction and how the sacromere is shortened
the force built up within a muscle
passive tension
stretching builds up passive tension
active tension
from the contractile units and the force generated
total tension
the combination of passive and active tension
slight tension that is present in a muscle at all times, a state of readiness that allows the muscle to act more easily and quickly when needed.
that distance from maximum length to maximum shortening
concentric contraction
where origin and insertion move closer together
eccentric contraction
where origin and insertion move farther apart
optimal length
when a muscle is at slight stretch
active insufficiency
the point at which a muscle can not shorten any farther, occurs with the agonist
passive insufficiency
muscle cannot be lengthened any farther without damage to its fibers, occurs with the antagonist
adaptive lengthening
a muscle that has been chronically over stretched and developed a new resting length, strengthening exercise are used to correct
adaptive shortening
a muscle that has been chronically shortened and developed a new resting length and a decrease in the amount of extensibility, stretching exercise are used to correct
adaptive shortening
‘tight muscle’
tendon action of a muscle
isometric contraction
contraction of muscle, producing force without changing the length of a muscle
concentric contraction
isotonic contraction, occurs when there is joint movement
shortening contraction
concentric contraction
eccentric contraction
isotonic contraction, there is joint movement, but the muscle appears to lengthen while still contracting, can produce much greater force than a concentric contraction
lengthening contractions~
eccentric contractions
isokinetic copntraction
the speed of the motion stays the same for the duration of the contraction.
agonist muscle
muscle that causes the motion
agonist muscle
prime mover
assisting mover
not as effective as prime mover, but does assist in providing motion
antagonist muscle
performs opposite motion of agonist
when the antagonist contracts as the same time as the agonist
a muscle that supports, or makes firm, a part allowing the agonist to work more efficiently
contracts to prevent any unwanted motion
a muscle that works with one or more muscles to enhance a particular motion
closed kinetic chain
distal segment is fixed (closed) and the propximal segment(s) moves.
open kinetic chain
The distal segment(s) is free to move while the proximal segments stay stationary
overstretching of muscle fibers
trigger points
hyperirritable points within a tight band of muscle that refer pain to other areas of the body when they are palpated
inflammation of a tendon