Chapter 12 Flashcards
Wrist Joint
radiocarpal joint
consists of the distal end of the radius and the radioulnar disk proximally and the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum distally
radiocarpal joint
classified as a biaxial condyloid joint allowing flexion and extension, radial deviation and ulnar deviation. The combination of all four of these motions is called circumduction. There is no rotation in the wrist.
midcarpal joint
located between two rows of carpal bones
intercarpal joints
located between carpal bones in each individual row
carpometacarpal (CMC) joints
appear between the distal row of carpal bones and the proximal end of metacarpal bones
palmar flexion
wrist flexion
neutral position
hand in straight line with forearm, position of the hand in anatomical position
return from flexion
movement beyond neutral position
flexion and extension
occur on sagittal plane around the frontal axis
approximately 90 degrees
approximately 70 degrees
Raadial and Ulnar deviation
occur on the frontal plane around the sagittal axis
radial deviation
approximately 35 degrees
ulnar deviation
approximately 25 degrees
firm end feel
for extension, hyperextension, and ulnar deviation
boney/ hard end feel
for radial deviation, due to boney/ hard contact between the radial styloid process and the scaphoid (carpal) bone
open packed position of wrist
in neutral with slight ulnar deviation position
convex/ concave articulation
convex shaped proximal row of caarpal bones move in opposite direction of the hand motionbones
carpal bones
consist of two rows of four bones each, starrting at tumb side of proximal row are the scaphoid, lunate, triquerum, and psisform. distal row from lateral are trapezium, trapeziod, capitate, hamate
styloid process
distal projection on the lateral side of the radius and distal medial posterior side of ulna (providing attachment for collateral ligaments
hook of the hamate
projection on the anterior surface of the hamate, providing attachment for the transverse carpal ligament
Medial epicondyle
located on the distal medial side of the humerus; attachment for the common flexor tendon
Lateral epicondyle
located on the distal lateral side of the humerus attachment for the common extensor tendon
Lateral supraconcylar ridge
located just proximal to the lateral epicondyle; attachment for the extensor capri radialis longs muscle
radiocarpal joint
basically four ligaments;
radial collateral ligament
attaches to the styloid process of the radius and the scaphoid and trapezius bones
ulnar collateral ligament
attaches to the styloid process of the ulna and to the pisiform and triquetrum bones
palmar radiocarpal ligament
limits wrist extension, attaches anterior distal end of radius and ulna and to the anterior surface of the proximal carpal bones and to the capitate bone in the distal row
dorsal radiocarpal ligament
attaches from posterior surfaces of the distal raduis to the same surface of the scaphoid, lunate, and triquetrum
joint capsule of wrist
is reinforced by four ligaments of wrist
articular disc
locateed on distal end of ulna and articulates with triqeutrum and lunate bones
palmar aponeurosis
a relatively thick triangular fascia located superficially in the palm of the hand
common flexor tendon
originates on medial epicondyle of humrus and splits, i.e. pronator teres, flexor capri radialis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor capri ulnaris
common extensor tndon
originates on the lateral epicondyle and forms into extensor capri radialis longus and brevis, extensor capri ulnaris, extensor digitorum, and extensor digiti minimi
anterior side of wrist
posterior side of wrist
flexor capri ulnaris, flexor capri radialis, Palmerus longus
extensor caprii radialis longus, extensor caprii radialus breves, and extensor caprii ulnaris
flexor capri ulnaris muscle
wrist flexion, ulnar deviation
flexor capri radialis muscleive in wrist flexion
wrist flexion and radial deviation
palmaris longus muscle
assistive in wrist flexion
Extensor Capri Raadialis Longus Muscle
wrist extension, radial deviation
Extensor capri radialis brevis muscle
wrist extension
extensor capri ulnaris muscle
wrist extensoin, ulnar deviation
extensor retinaculum
encases all at wrist
scaphoid and radius
two most fractured bones of the wrist
colles fracture
a break at the distal radius at the level of the metaphysis and is common in elderly
Smith’s fracture
distal fragment is displaced anteriourly (reverse Colles) and is caused by fall on the back of hand
“greenstick fracture’
refers to an incomplete fracture, usually of radius, and more proximal than ‘Colles’ fracture
scaphoid fracture
sometimes related to danger of blood vessel that supplies this bone, which can lead to avascular necrosis, or death of bone tissue
ganglion cyst
a benign, fluid filled cyst commonly seen as a bump. Can appear, disappear and change size quickly
wrist sprains
when a person falls on an outstretched hand