Kim et al. (2013) Flashcards
Different types of control used with authoritative and authoritarian parents
- Authoritative parents use confrontive power (open to negotiation and reasoning)
- Authoritarian parents use coercive power (maintains hierarchy of parent-child relationship)
Tiger parenting combines which 2 of Baumrind’s styles
authoritarian and authoritative (tiger parenting characterized by high levels of authoritativeness and authoritarianism in Asian parents)
Which one of Baumrind’s styles is most similar to supportive parenting? Harsh parenting? Easygoing parenting?
- Supportive: authoritative
- Harsh: authoritarian
- Easygoing: negligent/permissive
defining supportive, harsh, easygoing, and tiger parenting based on positive and negative measures of parenting
- Supportive: high on positive measures, low on negative measures
- Harsh: low on positive measures, high on negative measures
- Easygoing: low on both positive and negative measures
- Tiger parenting: high on both positive and negative measures
“Achievement/adjustment paradox”
Asian-American students have high levels of academic achievement but low levels of psychological adjustment
Why might tiger parenting lead to the achievement/adjustment paradox
- Because it emphasizes high academic achievement and a strong sense of family obligation, which may be related to high academic pressure and depressive symptoms
- AKA: high academic expectations + high family obligation → high academic pressure → high levels of depression in adolescents
What was the most common type of parenting profile in this study?
What type of parenting is associated with the best, second best, third best, and worst outcomes?
- best: supportive
- second: easygoing (similar [in terms of GPA, educational attainment, parent-child obligation] or better [in terms of academic pressure, depression, alienation from parents] than tiger)
- third: tiger (similar or better than harsh)
- worst: harsh
What parenting profile/style was associated with the highest levels of academic pressure?
Tiger parenting
4 ways that parenting profiles in this study differed from Baumrind
- Divided parental control into multiple dimensions that included positive and negative constructs
- Dimension of parental warmth was expanded to include separate dimension for hostility (in order to differentiate between tiger and easy-going)
- included separate dimension of inductive reasoning
- Created a culturally-specific dimension for shaming
Which types of parenting had highest and lowest use of shaming?
- Easygoing parenting was lowest
- tiger/harsh highest
- supportive is in the middle
do results of this study suggest shaming is harmful?
No, it suggested that the use of shaming is an important component of being a successful parent in Chinese culture
what developmental change was observed in one of the parenting profiles?
Proportion of tiger mothers tends to decrease, whereas proportion of tiger fathers tends to increase over time → mother relinquishes role to father
did the results of this study support an achievement/adjustment paradox in Asian Americans?
No, regardless of parenting profile, high academic achievement was always accompanied by high levels of psychological adjustment (and vice versa)
list all parenting profiles examined in this study
- supportive
- easygoing
- tiger
- harsh
Are the results of this study consistent with Amy Chua’s argument about tiger parenting and academic success?
- No, because supportive parenting was associated with the highest average GPA
- Easygoing and tiger parenting did not differ in child GPA
Which of Amy Chua’s claims could this study evaluate? Did the study’s results support or contradict that claim?
- Chua claims all Chinese moms are tiger moms
- Results contradict because supportive parenting was the most common parenting style in the Chinese-American sample