Farr et al. (2010) Flashcards
What are the 3 family structures investigated in this study?
- Lesbian adoptive parents
- Gay adoptive parents
- Heterosexual adoptive parents
What are different examples of family structures this study didn’t investigate?
- Lesbian couples with one biological mom and one social mom
- Single-parent families
- Separated parents
- Divorced parents
- Step-families
- Foster families
- Grandparents
What are the 3 family processes investigated in the current study?
- Parenting stress
- Dysfunctional parenting techniques (laxness, overreactivity, verbosity)
- Couples’ relationship adjustment (aka: marital satisfaction)
What are different examples of family processes this study didn’t investigate?
- Parental discipline (ie. power-assertion, proactive, positive)
- Amount of sensitive responsiveness
- Time spent with children
- 2-way communication
- Boundaries (cohesive or enmeshed)
- Parents’ satisfaction with division of labour
- Amount of role strain or role conflict
- Amount of passive-aggressive communication within a couple
What were the 3 objectives of this study?
- Objective 1: Family structure (3 structures) → child development (child behaviour problems)
- Objective 2: Family structure (3 structures) → family processes
- Objective 3: Family processes (3 processes) → child development
What predicted the child outcomes better: family structures or family processes? Why?
- Family processes
- correlational evidence:
- – For family structures → child behaviour problems, 0 out of 3 family structures were significant
- – For family processes → child behaviour problems, 3 out of 3 family processes were significant
- HLM evidence:
- – for family structures –> child behav. problems, found 0/3
- – for family processes –> child behav. problems, found 1/3 (parenting stress only)
Were the average scores/means for child behaviour problems significantly different across the 3 family structures?
Were the average scores/means for gender role behaviour significantly different across the 3 family structures? What is gender role behaviour?
- No
- Gender role behaviour = conforming to the gender norms of your birth sex
When comparing heterosexual and non-heterosexual families (not differentiating btwn gay and lesbian), did they find significant differences across the 2 family structures?
- found a small significant difference
- heterosexual families had kids with more behavioural problems, whereas non-heterosexual families’ kids has less
Identify the significant correlations between parenting stress, discipline techniques, and couple relationship adjustment with behaviour problems. Which objective do these findings relate to?
- Parenting stress was significantly positively correlated with behaviour problems
- Discipline techniques was significantly positively correlated with behaviour problems
- Couple relationship adjustment was significantly negatively correlated with behaviour problems
- These relate to objective 3
Did HLM analyses find significant differences amongst the 3 family types and kids’ behaviour? What objective does this relate to?
- No
- Objective 1
Did HLM analyses find significant differences amongst the 3 family types in family processes? What objective does this relate to?
- No
- Objective 2
Did HLM analyses show that family processes significantly predicted child behaviour problems? What objective does this relate to?
- Yes, but for parenting stress only
- Objective 3