Key Points For Muscles Flashcards
Name the three types of muscles
In voluntary, voluntary and cardiac
Muscles have four main functions name them
Number 1 producing movement, number to stabilise in the body, number three storing substances, number four generating heat
Name three important key points of muscle action
A muscle can only pull across the joint or joints it crosses and in its line of fibre
Muscles work in pairs
Muscles attach to bone via a tendon onto the aponeurosis of other muscles or directly into the bone
What is the main muscle responsible for movement known as
Prime mover or agonist
What is the name of the muscle which produces the opposite movement to the prime mover e.g. the agonist
What is the name given to the muscles which help fix the body in the correct position to allow other movements to take place
Fixator muscles
What is the name given to the muscles which help the prime movers to achieve its goal
Synergist muscles
There are specific changes to muscle for certain populations what are these in children.
Children inherit the amount of muscle fibres they have. Muscle growth does not keep up with bone growth. Muscle growth varies depending on age gender and body type.
What is the structure of a muscle from largest to smallest
See diagram on page 42 this is to be completed
What are the changes to muscle in pregnancy
The hormone relaxin is responsible for increasing the pliability of muscle connective-tissue especially in the late stages of pregnancy.
How is the body affected during pregnancy and what exercise adaptions should you make
Balance and coordination and increased flexibility
Short maintenance stretches as opposed to development stretches to avoid Damaging connective tissue
What happens to the muscles with age
After the age of 40 loss of muscle mass, power and strength and endurance.
This means less support to the skeleton, gradual changes in posture and motor skills especially coordination and balance. This could increase the chance of a fall
What affects can disability have on the muscles
There are a range of medical conditions and disabilities which have an impact on the function of the skeletal system
The structure of a muscle component from largest to smallest. Name seven
Fascia, bundles of muscle fibres, muscle fibre, myofibril, sarcomere, myosin filament, actin filament
What are muscle fibre is always in a slight state of
What are muscles linked to the nervous system bye
What does a motor unit consist of
A motor nerve, motor endplate, and all the muscle fibres contained within the unit
Muscles work on an
All or nothing principal
What affects the strength of a muscle contraction
The number of motor units activated and The frequency of nerve impulses
Slow twitch, type one, slow oxidative fibres are red in colour. What are they best equipped for
Endurance work. They are slow to contract and slow to fatigue.
Fast twitch, Type II, fast glycolytic fibres, White, or best equipped for what type of work
Strength work as they are Fast to contract and fast to fatigue
Fast twitch type 2 B fast glycolytic muscle fibres are pink in colour and are best equipped for what type of work
Work that requires a high force quickly. They contract with high force rapidly but fatigue rapidly
What is the difference between fast twitch type two and fast twitch type 2 B muscle fibres
Type II is white in colour and is best equipped for strength work as they are fast to contract and fast tofatigue
Type 2 B is pink in colour and and is best equipped for work that requires a high force quickly they contract with high force rapidly but fatigue rapidly
Name the three types of muscle contraction
Concentric, eccentric and static note, static is also known as isometric