Kevin's Test Questions Flashcards
How much thrust is produced with APR?
14,750 lbs
How much engine thrust is produced with full thrust?
13,560 lbs
When an engine fails how much mismatch thrust will be needed for FADEC to automatically increase thrust to the operating engine?
N1 mismatch of 15%
When will APR automatically arm?
N1 RPM of both engines within 8% of takeoff power
What is on the Accessory Gearbox?
Fuel Pump
Integrated Drive Generator
Starter (Air Turbine)
Hydraulic Pump
Oil Pump
FADEC Alternator (+)
When must continuous ignition be used?
Takeoffs and landings on contaminated runways
Flight through moderate or heavy rain
Flight through moderate or greater turbulence
Flight in vicinity of thunderstorms
What type of thrust is automatically calculated by FADEC?
Normal Takeoff Thrust
Where is the oil replenishment tank located?
AFT equipment bay
Reference Slide #73 - Powerplant
Where are the thrust lever Detents located?
Max Power
Define a Cold Soaked Airplane…
First Flight of the day
Aircraft is left out for more than 8 hours with temperatures of -30 degrees C or below, things must be done:
- Engines must be motored for 60 seconds and fan rotation verified before engine start is initiated
- Thrust Reversers must be actuated until the deploy and stow cycles are less than 2 seconds
What is the Max N2 split at idle?
What is the N2 limitation regarding accelerating above idle?
N2 is 57% or less with OAT of -20 degrees C or less
DO NOT accelerate above idle
Max operating altitude for APU:
41,000 ft
Max APU start altitude:
37,000 feet
Max Bleed Air Altitude using APU
25,000 feet
If APU door position is open or unknown, what is the restricted airspeed?
220 Knots or less
AVAIL Switchlight illuminates when?
99% plus 2 seconds
What’s the limitation with APU start attempt limitations?
No more than 3 start attempts in 1 hour
- 2 minute delay between start attempts
When does the APU automatically shut down?
On the ground after 5 seconds
Why is gravity pressure refueling less than pressure refueling?
(this question was asked by Kevin in class)
Because of the dihedral of the wing
Why is the NACA scoop designed in that shape? (This question was asked by Kevin in class)
To prevent ice buildup
What conditions will cause a takeoff configuration warning? (Kevin told us to know these)
Parking Brake
Stab Trim
Aileron Trim
Rudder Trim
When does the Flight Data Recorder start to record?
When BEACON or STROBE light switch is selected on
When does the Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) automatically disconnect?
High Oil Temperature, Low Oil Pressure
How would you know if the Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) is disconnected?
DISC Switchlight is illuminated
When does the AUTO XFER Switchlight illuminate?
When a bus fault or generator overcurrent is detected by the Generator Control Unit (GCU)
What happens when the AUTO XFER FAIL illuminates?
Affected generator is taken offline, due to a possible bus fault or generator over current
AC AVAIL Switchlight indicates what when its illuminated?
Proper PHASE, VOLTAGE, FREQUENCY is established
What does the Air Driven Generator (ADG) power?
- HYD pump 3B
- Slats/Flaps
- Stab Trim CH2
How is Hydraulic System 3 cooled?
Relies on natural convection and radiation to dissipate heat, Components are not in close proximity to any appreciable heat sources (engines)
What does the rudder travel limiter (RTL) do?
Rudder travel is limited IN FLIGHT ONLY, prevents overstressing the vertical stabilizer
What are the limitations of the Multifunction Spoilers (MFS’s)?
- Must not be extended in flight below 300 feet AGL
- Must not be extended in flight at airspeed below recommended approach speed plus 10 knots
Max altitude for slats/flaps usage?
15,000 feet
What’s the limitation with regarding usage of slats/flaps enroute?
What’s the limitation with the use of slats/flaps while holding?
In-flight holding with slats/flaps is PROHIBITED during icing conditions
How are you going to change bleed air source on your panel?
Start from right, changing bleed source, ISOL open, then bleed valves
How many outflow valves do we have?
Only 1
What does the ice detectors vibrate at? (Kevin told us this in class, someone was asked on an oral)…
20,000-30,000 MHz
Know Cowl Anti-Ice (Kevin told us this will be on test)
- Double Walled A/I duct
- Independent pressure transducer
- L/R COWL A/I Caution message
What is heated on the ground with AC power/probe heat on?
TAT and Pitot bases - OFF
Static and AOA - ON
Pitot Heats - Half Heat
What probes are heated in flight with any switch position? (Kevin told us to know this for test)
All probes heated with at least one generator on-line
When do you turn the wings and cowls anti-ice on in flight? (Kevin said to be familiar with this)
Below 230 knots in icing conditions
What does the detection test (DET TEST) Switchlight test? (Kevin says to know this for test)
Tests both ICE detection and Air Data Sensor Heat Controller (ADHSC) Systems
- Advisory message “ADS HEAT TEST OK”