Joints: Hands & Feet Flashcards
The hand has 4 sets of ligament groups.
purple: antebrachium (forearm bones) to carples
red: carple-carple
blue: Carple - metacarple
yellow: Metacarple - metacarple
ulnar collateral ligament
radial collateral ligament
dorsal radiocarple ligaments
palmer radio carple joint
palmer ulnocarple ligament
blue outlined orange ligament
8 and 9
radial and ulnar collateral ligaments
radiate carple ligament
pisohamate ligament
palmar intercapals
pisometacarpal ligament
palmar metacarpal ligaments
dorsal intercarpal ligaments
dorsal carpometacarpal ligaments
dorsal metacarpal ligaments
phalageal collateral ligaments
Collateral ligaments (Medial & Lateral), has 2 parts: - Dense Cord-like: passes from heads of metacarpal to base of Phalanges, prevents spreading of fingers during flexion.
- Thin Fan-like: passes anteriorly to attach to palmar plates.
The wrist is what kind of joint, how many axes of movement, and which bones participate in the joint?
Ellipsoid or Condyloid type of Joint. 2 axes of movements.
- Articulation between the carpal articular facet of the Radius + the articular disk and the
proximal row of the carpal bones except the Pisiform bone.
* The triquetrum bone participates and contacts the articular disk only in ulnar abduction
and loses contact in radial abduction!
** Ulna doesn’t participate in the joint!!!
What are the movements of the wrist joint?
Movements: 2 axis joint:
- Palmarflexion / Dorsiflexion (Transverse Axis through Lunate and Capitate)
- Adduction (Ulnar Abduction) / Abduction (Radial Abduction) the axis is (Dorsopalmar through the head of Capitate)
- Combined motions produce rotation.
Adduction or ulnar deviation of the wrist is caused by which muscles and to what degree?
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Abduction or radial deviation of the wrist is caused by which muscles and to what degree?
Extensor Carpi Radialis longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Abductor Pollicis longus
Flexor Carpi Radialis
palmarflexion of the wrist is caused by which muscles and to what degree?
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Abductor Pollicis longus
Flexor of the digits
Deep and superficial
dorsiflexion of the wrist is caused by which muscles and to what degree?
Extensor Carpi Radialis longus
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Extensors of the digits (minimally)
the carpal tunnel is what and contains what tendons, nerve?
an area made by the hook of the hamate, tubercle of the trapizium, as well as the capitate, and trapazoid bones.
The flexor retinaculum and palmaris longus complete the tunnel as the roof.
It contains the tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis and profundus, the median nerve, and the fleor pollicis longus.
The flexor carpi radialis is off to the side byt the tubercle of the trapizium
the guyon canal is what? contains what and is composed of what?
is a semi-rigid longitudinal canal in the wrist that allows passage of the ulnar artery and ulnar nerve into the hand.
The roof of the canal is made up of the superficial palmar carpal ligament, while the deeper flexor retinaculum and hypothenar muscles comprise the floor.
Intercarple joints are what kind of joint and what sort of movement?
- Plane type of joints, connecting the carpal bones with each other.
- Gliding movements between the carpal bones, which occur together with the movements of the Radiocarpal (wrist) joint and augment them and increase the overall range of mobility and flexibility
- Palmarflexion / Dorsiflexion at the Midcarpal joint, aiding the wrist joint and initiating it moves. Some investigators say that the Dorsiflexion and radial abduction occur in this joint only. Proximal row is more flexible than the distal one.
Carpometacarpal (CMC) and Intermetacarpal (IM) Joints are what type of joint?
Plane type of joints
except for the 1st CMC joint of the thumb, which is Saddle joint.
describe the joint composition of the CMC and IM joints, including the thumb
The medial 4 CMC joints and the IM joints have a common joint cavity and capsule.
- The 1st CMC joint of the thumb has a separate loose joint capsule (Fibrous and Synovial layers) that facilitates the free movements of the joint.
thumb joint movments?
The 1st CMC joint of the thumb is a 2 axes joint allowing:
- Abduction / Adduction of the thumb. (Dorso-palmar axis)
- Flexion / extension of the thumb (vertical axis in the anatomical position)
- Combined movements of the above producing Circumduction.
Adduction of the thumb is caused by which muscles?
Adductor Pollicis
Extensor Pollicis longus
1st Dorsal interossious
Abduction of the thumb is caused by which muscles?
Abduction of thumb
Abductor Pollicis longus
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Opponens Pollicis
Flexor Pollicis Brevis -Superficial Head
extension of the thumb is caused by which muscles?
Abductor Pollicis longus
Extensor Pollicis longus
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
flexion of the thumb is caused by which muscles?
Opponents Pollicis
Adductor Pollicis
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Flexor Pollicis Brevis