Drawings: Limbs Flashcards
What is the inferior, uncolored space containing 4 and 5 called?
What are its contents (4 and 5)?
What are its borders (6 laterally, 7 medially and 8 superiorly)?
Lateral Triangular Space
4 is the radial nerve, 5 is the deep brachial artery
lateral border (6) is humerus
medial border (7) is long head of triceps
superior border (8) is teres major
What is the green highlighted portion of this drawing?
What does it contain (1 and 2)?
What are its borders (6, 7, 8 and 9)?
Quadrangular Space
- contains Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery (1) and Axillary Nerve, Brachial Plexus (2)
- lateral: humerus (6)
- medial: long head of triceps (7)
- inferior: teres major (8)
- superior: teres minor (9)
What is the orange highlighted portion of this image?
What does it contain (number 3)?
What are its borders (numbers 7, 8 and 9)?
Medial Triangular Space
- contains the Circumflex Scapular Artery (3)
- lateral: long head of triceps (7)
- inferior: teres major (8)
- superior: teres minor (9)
What is # 1?
What is it made of?
Ulnar Carpal Eminence
- pisiform bone and hamulus of hamate
What is #3?
What covers it?
What does it contain?
Guyon’s Canal
- palmar carpal ligament covers it
- contains ulnar nerve and artery
What is #4?
flexor retinaculum
What is #5?
median nerve
What is #2?
What is it made up of?
Radial Carpal Eminence
- scaphoid and trapezium tubercles
What is the set of orange structures labeled #6?
tendons of flexor digitorum superficialis
What is the set of orange structures labeled #7?
tendons of flexor digitorum profundus
What is #8?
tendon of flexor pollicis longus
What is the pink line labeled 4 and what are its lateral and medial attachments, 1 and 11?
Inguinal Ligament (of Poupart)
- anterior superior iliac spine laterally
- pubic symphysis medially
What is #3?
ilipsoas muscle
What is #5?
femoral nerve
What are 6 and 8?
femoral artery and vein
what is #7?
genitofemoral nerve, femoral branch
What is #2?
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
What is the green structure labeled #9?
Rosenmüller’s Lymph Node
What is the area labeled 10?
What covers it (labeled 12)?
Lacuna Lymphatica
lacunar ligament covers it
What are areas 13 and 14?
13 - Lacuna Vasorum
14 - Lacuna Musculonervosa
What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
2, 9 and 12
Include the lateral and medial ‘angles’… 1 and 7.
2 superiorly inguinal ligament
12 laterally sartorius
9 medially adductor longus
- inguinal ligament runs from ASIS (1) to pubic symphysis (7)
What nerve, artery and vein enter from the top of this region? (3, 4, and 5)
Through what “hole”? (6)
Femoral Nerve, Artery and Vein
- enter through the subinguinal hiatus
(artery and vein through lacuna vasorum, nerve through lacuna musculonervosa)
What makes up the “floor” of this region?
- labeled 13… but not that clear
Iliopectinal Fossa
made up of the iliopsoas medially and the pectineus laterally
What is # 10 which drains into #5 partway through this region via #8?
Name all three… 10, 5 and 8
The great saphenous vein (10) drains into the femoral vein (5) via the saphenous ring (or hiatus) (8) which is a hole in the fascia lata
What is #11?
Describe its route through #14 as it branches off of #3 and joins #10 at #18.
The saphenous nerve (11) branches off of the femoral nerve (3) within the femoral triangle and enters the adductor canal (14).
It then leaves the adductor canal midway down the thigh and joins the great saphenous vein (10) superficially (18)
What is #14 and what does it contain?
Where does it end? (not labeled here with a number… could be confused for 15 because this drawing is weird. Oops.)
Adductor Canal (14)
Contains the femoral artery and vein (4 and 5) as well as the saphenous nerve (11).
It ends at the Adductor Hiatus which is a hole in the between the oblique and medial heads of the adductor magnus.
What is #15?
And what are numbers 16 and 17 called?
Popliteal Fossa (15)
The femoral artery and vein (4 and 5) become the popliteal artery and vein (16 and 17) after passing the popliteal fossa.
What is this pink structure labeled 1?
What space does it divide?
Piriformis Muscle
divides the greater sciatic foramen into the supra- and infrapiriform hiatuses
What is the opening labeled 2?
(above the pink structure)
What does it contain?
Suprapiriform Hiatus
- contains the superior gluteal artery, vein and nerve
What is the orange structure labeled 3?
And where on the pelvis does it connect, labeled 8?
Sacrospinous Ligament
connects sacrum to ischial spine
What is the green structure labeled 4?
What part of the pelvis does it connect the sacrum to? (unlabeled)
Sacrotuberous Ligament
- connects sacrum to ischial tuberosity
What is the hole labeled 5?
What does it contain?
And the fibrous sheet labeled 6?
Obturator Canal
- contains obturator artery, vein and nerve
- fibrous sheet is obturator membrane which almost completely closes obturator formen of pelvic bone
What is the space labeled 7?
What does it contain?
Lesser Sciatic Foramen
- contains Pudendal Nerve (re-enters after exiting infrapiriform hiatus) and Internal Pudendal Artery and Vein
What is the space below the pink structure labeled #9?
What does it contain?
Infrapiriform Hiatus
- Sciatic Nerve
- Inferior Gluteal Artery, Vein and Nerve
- Pudendal Nerve (exits here, re-enters lesser sciatic foramen)
- Internal Pudendal Artery and Vein
- Posterior Cutaneous Femoral Nerve (less important for this midterm)
What are the three compartments of the thigh?
Labeled A, B and C
A - Extensor Compartment
B - Adductor Compartment
C - Flexor Compartment
What are the four muscles that are often grouped together in the anterior thigh called as a whole?
Identify them individually by their names and numbers in this drawing.
What innervates them all?
Quadriceps Femoris
- 1 is rectus femoris
- 2 is vastus intermedius
- 3 is vastus medialis
- 11 is vastus lateralis
- all innervated by the femoral nerve
What is #4?
Considering its position in this picture, what part of the thigh must this cross section be from?
Sartorius Muscle
- because it is medial here, this must be a middle to distal CS of the thigh because the sartorius originates laterally at the ASIS and runs inferomedially across the anterior thigh to insert at the pes anserinus
- sartorius is the LONGEST muscle in the body
What is #14?
What does it contain?
Adductor Canal
- contains the femoral artery and vein and the saphenous nerve
What is 15?
Great Saphenous Vein
What is #5?
adductor longus
What is #6?
Adductor Magnus
What is #7?
What nerve innervates 5, 6, and 7?
obturator nerve
What are the posterior muscles of the thigh known as collectively?
(Compartment C)
And what innervates them all… labeled 13 here?
- innervated by sciatic nerve
What is #8?
What is #9?
What is #10?
Biceps Femoris
What is #1?
biceps femoris
What is #2?
Common Fibular Nerve
What is #3?
popliteus muscle
What is #4?
What is #5?
tibial nerve
What is #6?
popliteal artery and vein
What are numbers 7 and 8?
7 is semimembranosus
8 is semitendinosus