Bones: Upper Limb Flashcards
number 2

acromial extremity of clavicle
- flatter end, articulates with acromion of scapula

acromial facet of clavicle

Articular Facet for Sternum
conoid tubercle / coracoid tuberosity
inferior view

Costal Tuberosity
- inferomedial side of clavicle
- it’s an “Impression for (the) Costoclavicular Ligament” and is sometimes known as such, rather than costal tuberosity
number 1

sternal extremity of clavicle
- articulates with manubrium
- pyramidal
marked by line w blue box

Subclavian Groove
- attachment for subclavius muscle on inferior side

trapezoid line
- collar bone, 2 paired
- s-shaped
- articulates with scapula and sternum
- sternal extremity
- acromial extremity
which clavicle is this? left or right

on the superior view looking down, from sternum it arches straight out first and then bends back
which clavicle is this? left or right

this is a superior view of the right clavicle (since no conoid tubercle is visible)
- flatter acromial end is concave anteriorly, rounder sternal end is convex anteriorly

Capitate carpal
- articulates w/ metacarpal III (middle finger)
- largest carpal

Hamate Carpal
- articulates w/ metacarpals IV and V (ring and pinky finger)
- has “hook of hamate” or hamulus process

Lunate Carpal
- articulates directly w/ radius

pisiform carpal
Sits atop triquetrum, more easily seen in palmar view

Scaphoid carpal
- articulates directly w/ radius
- has tubercle

Trapezium carpal
- articulates w/ metacarpal I (thumb)
- has tubercle

Trapezoid Carpal
- articulates w/ metacarpal II (index finger)

triquetrum carpal
- articulates w/ ulna via an articular disc

- 8 on each wrist, 16 total

Tubercle of Scaphoid

tubercle of trapezium

- five in each hand, make up palm
- numbered I-V, thumb is I

- fourteen in each hand, 2 in thumbs, 3 in fingers
- named Proximal, Distal, Middle
- numbered I through V, thumb is I

Hamulus of Hamate carpal
- from ‘hamus’ meaning hook

- bone of brachial region of arm, articulates with scapula proximally and radius/ulna distally
- in addition to all markings know: anteromedial/lateral surfaces and medial/lateral borders

anatomical neck of humerus
- former epiphyseal plate
what surface?

anteromedial surface

body of humerus

- located laterally in anatomical position
- articulates with radius

coronoid fossa of humerus
- anteromedial accomodation for coronoid process of ulna
Crest of Greater Tubercle
humerus right anterior superior

crest of lesser tubercle

deltoid tuberosity of humerus
- roughened, lateral area where deltoid muscle attaches

greater tubercle of humerus
- lateral and large
midshaft posterior humerus
type of indentation

groove for radial nerve
inferior view posterior humerus
look for indentation

groove for ulnar nerve
head of humerus
- articulates with glenoid fossa of scapula
5/red arrow
anterior superior humerus

intertubercular groove (or sulcus)

lateral epicondyle of humerus
inferior view

lateral supracondylar ridge

lesser tubercle of humerus
- smaller, medial

medial epicondyle of humerus
- bony distal projection, muscle attachment
Part D

Medial Supracondylar Ridge

olecranon fossa
- posterior accomodation for olecranon of ulna

radial fossa of humerus
- anterolateral accomodation for radius

surgical neck of humerus
- named because it’s a common break site
part D

trochlea of humerus
- like pulley, articulates with trochlear notch of ulna

radius (2, paired)
- lateral (on thumb side) when in anatomical position
in addition to markings, know: anterior, posterior and lateral surfaces as well as anterior and interosseous borders
first groove of radius
second groove of radius
third groove of radius
fourth groove of radius
posterior view

articular circumference of the radius
- circumferential portion of radius’ head which articulates with radial notch of ulna
8 … a distal surface of a long bone

articular surface of radius
divided into articulation with scaphoid carpal (lateral by styloid process) and lunate carpal (medial by ulnar notch)
distal view of radius
indicated by red line

Dorsal (or Lister’s) Tubercle

Head of Radius
- articulates with capitulum of humerus
highlighted blue portion

Neck of Radius
green part

radial tuberosity
- attachment for biceps brachii

styloid process of radius
which view of which bones is this?

radius and ulna anterior view
which view of which bones is this?

posterior view of radius (right) and ulna (left)

ulnar notch of radius
- articulates with distal end of ulna

acromion of scapula
- bony tip of shoulder

coracoid process of scapula
- looks like bent finger

glenoid cavity
- articulates with head of humerus
Left scapula posterior view

inferior angle

infraspinous fossa of scapula
- broad area below spine, posterior aspect

lateral border of scapula

medial border of scapula

spine of scapula

subscapular fossa
- smooth, broad anterior surface of scapula
letter D (angle)
right anterior costal scapula

superior angle

supraspinous fossa of scapula
- above spine, posterosuperior aspect

Scapula (2 paired)
- shoulder blade, flat/triangular articualtes with acromion of scapula
- spine
- acromion
- coracoid process
- glenoid cavity
- medial border
- lateral border
- supraspinous fossa
- infraspinous fossa
- subscapular fossa

Acromial Angle of Scapula
right scapula, anterior costal

articular facet for acromion
part H

Infraglenoid Tubercle
right scap anterior costal view

neck of scapula

Neck of Scapula
- slightly narrower portion which connects glenoid cavity/tubercle complex to rest of scapula

Superior Margin of Scapula
right scapula lateral

supraglenoid tubercle
Right scapula posterior superior view

Scapular Notch
- AKA suprascapular notch

- medial bone of forearm in anatomical position
- olecranon process
- coronoid process
- trochlear notch
- radial notch
- head
- styloid process

articular circumference of the ulna

coronoid process
- articulates with coronoid fossa of humerus
distal structure pointed out by thick black line

head of ulna
- note that it’s on the distal end! not all heads are proximal

interosseous border of ulna
olecranon process
- fits into olecranon fossa of humerus

radial notch of ulna
- lateral to coronoid process
- accomodates radial head

styloid process of ulna

trochlear notch of ulna
- formed by olecranon and cornoid processes
- articulates with trochlea of humerus
anterior superior forearm

ulnar tuberosity

Pronator Tuberosity of Radius

Supinator Crest of Ulna
- extends distally from the radial notch