Job Satisfaction Flashcards
Job Satisfaction
A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences
Factors of Job Satisfaction
Dispositional Factors (VPT)
Job Related Factors (JCT)
Temporal Factors (Mood/Emotions)
Value Perception Theory
Theory that jobs are satisfying if they provide things we find valuable
- depends on whether you perceive that your job supplies things you value
Value Perception Theory Equation
Dissatisfaction = (value you want - value you have) x the importance of that value
5 Facets of Value Perception Theory
- Satisfactions with pay
- Satisfactions with promotions
- Satisfactions with supervision
- Satisfactions with coworkers
- Satisfactions with the work itself (strongest correlation)
Job Characteristics Theory
Theory that the work itself is the strongest driver for job satisfaction and what makes work satisfying
- Meaningfulness of Work (VIS)
- Responsibility of Outcomes (A)
- Knowledge of Results (F)
Psychological States of JCT
- Meaningfulness of Work
- Responsibility of Outcomes
- Knowledge of Results
Core job characteristics
- variety
- identity
- significance
- autonomy
- feedback
Meaningfulness of Work
Degree that work tasks are viewed as something that ‘counts’ toward employees system of philosophies and beliefs
- Everyone perceives the same job differently
(Ex. campus security guard “I am making campus safe” or “I do nothing but stare at people”)
Degree to which the job requires a number of different activities with different skills and talents
- “everyday is different”
Degree to which the job requires completing a whole identifiable piece of work from beginning to end
- “I did that”
Degree to which the job has substantial impact on others
- “my job matters”
Responsibility of Outcomes
Degree to which employees feel they are key drivers for the quality of their work (Autonomy)
Degree to which the job provides freedom, independence, and discretion to the individual
- “I do what I want to complete this job”
Knowledge of Results
Extent to which employees know how well they’re doing (Feedback from the JOB ITSELF)
Degree to which carrying out activities for the job provides clear information for how well they’re performing
Affective Event Theory
workplace events effect our emotions which effect our job attitudes
Effects of Positive Moods/Emotions
Creative thinking, better problem-solving, increased willingness to help others
Emotional Labor
Controlling or hiding emotions at work
- Surface Acting
- Deep Acting
Surface Acting
SUPPRESSING emotions and faking desired emotions (emotional mask)
- more inauthentic
- more severe consequences
Deep Acting
MODIFYING emotions in order to display appropriate emotions
- tends to be more genuine
Emotional Contagion
one person’s emotions can ‘spill over’ to influence others’
Dispositional Affectivity
people tend towards either positive (PA) or negative (NA) moods or emotional states
Positive Affectivity
A dispositional tendency to experience pleasant, engaging moods (enthusiasm, excitement, elation)
Negative Affectivity
A dispositional tendency to experience unpleasant moods (hostility, nervousness, annoyance)