Jeopardy 11/24/15 Flashcards
This CD4 T cell subset is important in maintaining tolerance in the periphery
What are Tregs?
This dendritic cell expresses high levels of TLR7, TLR9 and secretes Type I interferons
Plasmacytoid DCs; Combat Viral infections
T Cell production of this cytokine promotes IgG3 class switching:
What immunoglobulin class does IL-4 promote?
All memory T cells express high levels of this marker
What is the surface marker allows entry into the lymph node?
What is the chemokine receptor that allows naive T cells to migrate to the lymph node?
Which kinase phosphorylates ITAMS to begin the TCR signaling cascade?
What is LCK? ITAMS are the cytoplasmic tail of CD3, CD3 interacts with the TCR.
DCs express this marker for migration from the tissues to the draining LN
The expression of this chemokine receptor promotes B and T cell migration to the follicle
CXCR5; present on T follicular helper cells (subset)
B Cells require this type of CD4 T cell for effective memory responses
T follicular helper cells; if you knock these out, then memory B cell development is impaired.
This molecule on activated T cells binds B7-1:B7-2 and signals cells to limit proliferation
This term refers to the ability of B cells to produce IgG, IgA or IgE after receiving T cell help
What is Class Switching
This transcription factor “fixes” differentiation to the Th17 subset
What is ROR-gamma T
What does Stat 3 do?
signal tranducers downstream from cytokine receptors. (IL-6 for Stat 3)
This cytokine is produced after TCR signaling and CD28 ligation
What is IL-2? induces proliferation
Tissue resident memory cells express this cell surface marker_______ while central memory cells express____________
for central memory cells: CCR7/CD62L/ CD44hi; Tissue resident memory cells CD103
The idea that activated T cells demonstrate asymmetric proliferation in which one daughter cell becomes an effector and the other daughter cell becomes the memory cell is known as:
The bifurcative differentiation model
Linear differentiation model
Assumes that memory cells are derived from effector cells.
B7-1:B7-2 on the DC binds to this molecule on naive T cells
Conventional, activated DC in the draining lymphn node participate in a non conventional mode of Ag presentation to activate naive CD8 T cells
What is cross presentation?
This T helper subset secretes IFNg in response to viral infections
Tissue resident DC express low levels of these markers compared to activated in the draining lymph node
MHCII/B71/2/IL-12/IL-2/IL-6/CCR7 for migration
This cell surface marker (cytokine receptor) marks memory CD8 cells that participate in the recall response
What two cytokines are important for maintaining CD8 Memory cells?
Cells found in the sinus of the LN, good at phagocytosing large particulates
Which cell is the best at receptor mediated endocytosis
B cell