IV English - TAKEOVERS Flashcards
wzmocnienie pozycji firmy, zwiększenie udziału w rynku i osiągnięcie pozycji lidera rynkowego
reinforcing your company’s position, increasing market share and becoming a market leader
ograniczenie konkurencji
reducing competition
racjonalizacja produkcji
rationalizing production
optymalizacja wykorzystania zakładu lub zainwestowanego kapitału
optimizing the use of a plant or invested capital
dywersyfikacja produktów
diversifying products
the belief that together companies will produce more than the sum of the two separate parts
wejście na nowe rynki
entering new markets
buy a large quantity of another company’s shares on the stock exchange
a raid
consists of buying shares through several brokers early in the morning, before the market has time to notice the rising price, and before speculators step in
dawn raid
a public offer to a company’s shareholders to buy their shares, at a particular price during a particular period
takover bid
has the consent of the directors of the company whose shares are being acquired
friendly takeover
is one undertaken against the wishes of the board of directors
hostile takeover
a defensive action taken to discourage a raider, such as changing the share voting structure or the board of directors, or spending all the company’s cash reserve
poison pill
If steps such as these do not work, a company can at least attempt to find ………. – another buyer whom they prefer.
a white knight
Postępować zgodnie z radą
Act on advice / Follow advice
przestrzegać zasad
Adhere to principles /Respect principles
Branch out/Diversify
gromadzić kapitał
Build up capital/Accumulate capital
zyskać na
Cash in on/Profit from
opracować plan
Draw up a plan/Prepare a plan
ponieść porażkę
Fall through/Collapse