IRO-008/009 Flashcards
What is the intent of IRO 008 and 009?
008 - Need for RC’s to continuously determine likelihood of IROL violation
009 - Actions RCs must take to operate within those limits
Typical time frame of “next day study”?
Tomorrow plus 6 days
IRO 008
RCs will perform operational planning analysis to asses for any next-day SOL or IROL violations in its area.
IRO 008
Each RC will have an operating plan for next-day operations to address any SOL /IROL violations identified.
IRO 008
The RC shall notify any entities impacted / identified in the operating plan as to their role.
IRO 008
How often must a real time assessment be performed?
Every 30 minutes
IRO 008
Each RC shall notify impacted TO’s and BA’s, and other impacted RC’s when results of real-time analysis indicates an actual or potential SOL / IROL violation.
They must also be notified with the exceedance has been prevented or mitigated.
IRO 009
For each IROL violation identified for next day, RC shall have an operating process, procedure, plan identifying actions the RC will take (or direct others to take), to:
- 1 prevent IROL exceedance
- 2 mitigate magnitude and duration to relieve it within Tv
IRO 009
RCs should take action (not limited to OPs developed in R1) to mitigate an IROL violation identified in real time.
IRO 009
RC must act or direct others to act to mitigate IROL violation within Tv
IRO 009
Most limiting IROL and Tv values should be used in case of a discrepancy.
Which of the following potential actions should be considered FIRST to ease transmission loading?
- Curtail interchange transactions
- Generation re-dispatch
- Load shed
- Reconfiguration of transmission system
2 and 4.