COM-001 and COM-002 Flashcards
COM-001 R1 & R2
Reliability Coordinator
Which entities does it have to have interpersonal communication capability (and alternate) with?
- All TO’s and BA’s in its area.
- Adjacent RCs within the same interconnect.
COM-001 R3 & R4
Transmission operator
Which entities does it have to have interpersonal communication capability (and alternate) with?
- Its RC
- All BA’s in its area
- GOPs, and DP’s in its area (primary only, no alternate required).
- Adjacent TO’s that are synchronously or asynchronously connected.
COM-001 R5 & R6
Balancing Authority
Which entities does it have to have interpersonal communication capability (and alternate) with?
- Its RC
- Each TO operating in its area
- GOP, and DP in its area (primary, no alternate required)
- Each BA adjacent
COM-001 R7 and R8
What entities to DP’s and GOP’s have to have interpersonal communication capability with?
- Their TO
- Their BA
- unless they detect failure, then see R11
COM-001 R10
what are the notification requirements for a comm failure
- Must notify entities outlined earlier within
- 60 MIN
- if it lasts for 30 MIN or longer
COM-001 R9
what are the requirements for testing communications?
Each TO, RC, and BA must test alternate communications at least
- once every calendar month
action must be taken to repair or replace within:
- 2 hours
COM-001 R11
DP and GOP requirements for comm failure
must notify affected entities and determine a mutually agreeable action for restoration.
COM-001 R12, R13
internal communication
RC, TO, GOP, BA, must have internal communications for info needed for reliable operation of BES, including between control centers or between control centers and field personnel.
Purpose of COM-002?
How is OI defined?
To improve communications during issuance of operating instructions- defined as “command by op personnel responsible for RTO of BES, to preserve or change the state, status, output or input of an Element of Facility of the BES”
COM-002-4 R4
How often do BA’s, TO’s, and RC’s have to assess adherance to documented communication protocols?
At least once every twelve months.
COM-002-4 R1
What are the elements that need to be included in a communication protocol? (any entity that can issue and receive OIs must have this).
- English should be used for OI’s unless agreed otherwise, or internal operations.
- 3 part communication (sender)
- 3-part (receiver)
- All calls, must be received by at least one recipient
- Protocol must specify instances that req’ time ID and the format
- Must specify nomenclature for transmission interface elements & facilities when issuing OI’s
COM-002-4 R2
when must operators be trained in the communications protocol?
PRIOR to issuing or receiving an OI.