Introduction to the reproductive system Flashcards
what is the pampiniform plexus
loose network of small veins found within male spermatic cord - begins in scrotum
it helps regulate temperature and allows sperm maturation
countercurrent heat exchange system that cools the arterial blood before it enters the testis
what does the cremaster muscle do
raises and lowers the testis in order to control temp
cremastic reflex is stroking the inner thigh
function of seminal vesicles/glands
secrete seminal fluid
prostate ( homologous to paraurethral glands)
secretion contribute to semen
Bulbourethral glands ( homologous to vestibular glands)
secretion contribute to the semen
function of scrotum
protect and support testes
what is a hydrocele of the scrotum
swelling in scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the sheath around the testicle
pain and inflammation
scrotal hernia signs
bulge and pain
testicular torsion
testicle rotates twisting spermatic cord cuasing reduced blood flow and sudden onset of pain and swelling 12-18
abdo pain
undescended testis
hasn’t moved down into its proper position
can’t see or feel them.
can have retractile testicle
function of the Fallopian tube
conduit for transport of sperm and oocytes
function of vagina
receptacle for the penis, the outlet of menstrual flow and passageway fro childbirth
mons pubis- covers pubic bone - secretes pheromones for sexual attraction
labia majora - folds of skin cover and protect inner structures
labia minora - smooth tissue folds cover opening
clitoris - erogenous zone
vestibule - area between labia minora contains the opening
vulva - the whole thing
female sex organ
paraurethral glands ( homologous to prostate )
secret lubricant to urethra opening
greater vestibular glands / bartholins gland ( homologous to bulbourethral gland)
secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina
vestibule bulbs ( homolog to corpus spongiosum and bulb of penis)
function with clitoris
ovarian cyst
fluid filled sac in ovaries
can cause pain, tummy bloating and irregular periods
what is tubal ligation
Fallopian tubes are blocked or removed
uterine prolapse
pelvic floor muscles stretch and weaken - postmenopausal and more vaginal deliveries heaviness in pelvis tissue protrouding urinary problems bowel trouble loose vagina during sex
surgical procedure to remove the womb
where are structures of the reproductive system derived from
germ layers
what structure divides into 3 parts
Paraxial mesoderm
intermediate mesoderm
lateral phase mesoderm
mesodermal germ layer
when do the gonads acquire sexual characteristics
6-7th week
what is the genital ductal system ?- from mesoderm
2 paris of ducts in both Male and female embryos
mesonephric / wolffish duct
paramesonephric /mullerian duct
what happens to the ducts in a genetically male embryo
the paramesonephric ducts gradually degenerate mesonephric duct forms: - epididymis ductus deferens seminal vesicles ejaculatory duct
what happens to the ducts in a genetically female embryo
mesonephric ducts degenerate paramesonephric duct from: uterine tubes uterus cervix of the uterus upper part of the vagina
fusion of 2 paramesonpheric ducts from what
uterus and upper vagina
what is the cloaca
distal embryonic handgun - endodermal layer - contributes to urinary bladder, urethra and vagina and external gentilaia formation
4-8th week
what is the cloaca divided into
urogenital sinus
anal canal
what does the urogenital sinus contribute to the formation of
urinary bladder urethra prostate urethral and paraurethral glands vagina external genitalia
An outgrowth of the urogenital sinus called sinovaginal bulbs, fuses with the solid caudal tip of the paramesonephric duct.
Forms a solid vaginal plate which later becomes canalised to form
the vagina
when someone loses their viginity what tears
External genitalia in what type of embryo
Under the influence of hormones
The gential tubercle forms the phallus/penis
The urethral folds fuse to from penile urethra
The genital ( scrotal ) swelling fuse to form the scrotum
External genitalia in what type of embryo
Under the influence of hormones:
The genital tubercle forms the clitoris
The urethral folds fail to fuse adn from the labia minora
The genital swellings fail to fuse and form the labia majora
The urogenital groove between the urethral folds remain open and forms the vestibule of the vagina
what ligamentous cord controls the descent of the gonads Fromm the 10th throat veterbrae
epispadias is a congenital malformation what is It
opening of the urethra does not develop into a full tube and urine exits body from abnormal location
what is cryptorchidism
testes fail to descend from abdomen into the scrotum
tuner syndorme is a congential malformation symptoms ?
thick neck tissue swelling of the neck being a small baby heart conditions kidney abnormalities - only female
testicular infection of cancer spreads to what nodes
scrotal infection spread to what nodes
superficial inguinal
when is the genetic sex of an embryo determined
vascular supply of both female and amen reproductive organs derived from where
abdominal aorta and internal iliac arteries
uterine artery supplies
vagina ( vestibular bulb)
inferior vesicle supplies
prostate and seminal glands
superior vesical
ductus deferens
middel rectal
seminal , testis and vagina
internal pudendal is the main artery of what
abdominal artery gives rise to what
epididymis and testis
ovary and uterine tube
ureter and uterine artery are close what substance passes under this artery
what nerves enervate vagian and uterus
splanchnic nerves S2-4
perineum supplied by
pudendal S2-4
Prostate , urinary bladder , and proximal urethra supplied by lumbar splanchnic nerves T11-S3