Introduction to nationalism Unit 1 Flashcards
What is a Nation?
A group of people who feel unified and are distinct. ex: Aboriginal People, Quebecois
What is a nation state?
Internationally recognized political and geographic boundries that define a nation
ex: Canada, France
What are the characteristics that unify a nation?
Relationship to Land
Spiritual/religious values
How does nationalism unify people?
Common goals
Same intrests/beliefs
Easier to communicate
Feeling of connection
Sense of security
How does nationalism divide us?
Creates ‘us’ vs. ‘them’
Competition for power/resources
Ultranationalism - genocide
What are some factors that make Canada a diverse nation?
Different languages
Different cultures
Different values
Different economics
Different geography
Different religions
Different opinions on the environment
Different historical experiences
What’s civic nationalism?
Civic nationalism, also known as liberal nationalism, is a form of nationalism that emphasizes shared values, political principles, and citizenship rather than ethnic or cultural identity. It promotes unity among people who are citizens of a country, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion, as long as they share a commitment to the nation’s laws, values, and institutions
What is ethnic nationalism?
A from of nationalism that is based on shared ethnicity, cultural, and language
What is Tribalism?
refers to strong loyalty and a sense of identity based on belonging to a particular group, often at the expense of others. It emphasizes the bonds within a tribe or social group, leading members to prioritize the interests and values of their own group over those of others.
What is Pogrom?
A pogrom is a violent, organized attack against a specific ethnic, religious, or racial group, often carried out with the approval or passive support of local authorities.
- Most often refers to attacks on Jewish communities in Eastern Europe in the early 20th century
What is scapegoating?
the practice of unfairly blaming an individual or group for problems or negative events, even though they may not be responsible. It occurs when people target others, often minorities or marginalized groups, to deflect blame or frustration away from themselves or the actual causes of the issue
- Often used as a way to explain societal issues
What is collective consciousness?
The shared beliefs, values, and attitudes of a group of people, often contributing to a sense of belonging and identity within a nation.
What is contending Loyalties?
Conflicting loyalties individuals may feel when they are attached to different groups, such as cultural, religious, or national communities, which may compete for their allegiance.
What does the term ethnic refer to?
Relating to a group of people who share a common culture, language, ancestry, or national experience.
What does the term identity refer to?
The qualities, beliefs, and characteristics that define a person or a group’s sense of self, including national, ethnic, religious, or personal identity.
What does the term linguistic refer to?
Pertaining to language. In terms of national identity, it refers to the role of language in shaping the identity and unity of a nation or group.
What does the term national intrest refer to?
The goals or objectives of a nation, often including security, economic prosperity, and cultural preservation.
What is nationalism?
A political ideology that emphasizes the interests, culture, and identity of a nation, often advocating for self-governance and independence.
What is a non-nationalist Loyalties?
Loyalties to groups or causes other than the nation, such as religious, ethnic, or regional affiliations, which may sometimes conflict with nationalist sentiments.
What does the term patriotic refer to?
Expressing love, support, and devotion to ones country, often through actions that promote national values and identity
What is a perspective?
What influences it?
Different viewpoints or interpretations of events, issues, or concepts often shaped by personal or collective experiences/beliefs
What is pluralism?
A system or society that recognizes and respects diversity, allowing multiple cultural, ethnic, religious, or political groups to coexist and particpate in equally in civic life
What does promoting national identity mean?
Actions or policies aimed at strengthening and preserving the unique identity of a nation, often through cultural, linguistic, or historical initatives.
What does the term reasonable accommodation mean?
Adjustments or compromises made by a society or government to allow minority groups or religious beliefs within a shared national framework.
Whats the definition reconciling mean?
The process of brining together groups of individuals with conflicting loyaltiesor intrests, aiming for peaceful resolution and mutualunderstanding.
What is soverignty?
The authority of a nation or state to govern itself, free from external control, often viewed as a fundamental principle of national independence.
What are the 5 ways a nation-state can maintain security and survival?
What does expansion mean?
make your nation state larger by reducing size of other nation state
- Very common during 1930’s and was one of the reasons for WW2
- Contemporary examples could include Russia or USA
What is defense?
What does it usually result in?
-Defend against aggression for another nation-state
- Usually culminates with war
What is alliance?
-When two or more nation-states bound together and pledge to protect one another
-Very common through history
- Famous examples include; allies, axis, tripple antente, triple alliance
What is a common issue with alliances?
If a country involved in a alliance starts a conflict with nation-state outside of the alliance; the countries within the alliance get pulled into the conflict
What is isolation?
-Involves a nation-state not getting involved economically, politically, or both
-Example: USA leading up to WW2 until 1941
What is interaction/negotiation?
- Cooperating and working together with other nation-states
- Could involve treaty making, etc.
Treaty of Versilles
When a country partakes in any of the 5 ways to maintain soverignty what is it known as?
Foreign Policy
What can nationalism lead to?
What is individual identity?
how you see yourself.
How do you express your individual identity?
Who you interact with
-how you dress/do your hair
-what you like to do in your free time
What is collective identity?
How you see yoursled as a member of a group
What does collective identity relate to?
National Identity
How do you express collective identity?
Similar ways to individuall identity now however it relates to the group
Can also include membership in organizations that promote the values of your group
What are some ways you may belong to a nation?
Legal Membership
Sense of Loyalty
What are conflicting loyalties?
A feeling that you cannot be loayal to two different nations that you feel are a member of
What is reconciliation?
Trying to solve conflict between loyalties
Can be due to the treatment of a minority by the majority
May also relate to a conflict between nationalist and non-nationalist loyalties
What is a non-natinalist loyalty?
Loyalty to family, sports team, friends
Different ideological groups
It can sometimes be difficult to determine the difference between a nationalist and non-nationalist loyalty they both can relate to a feeling of belonging due to similar religious beliefs, ethnicity, class or culture.
What does it mean to express a nationalist loyalty?
To strongly support publically
Many minority groups were unable to do that in the past
Could cause conflict
What does the term pluralistic refer to?
The support of multicultralism - exoressions of national identity by all groups (particularly minority groups due to past oppresion)
What is reasonable accommodation?
A legal and constitutional concept that requires Canadian public institutions to adapt to the religious and cultural practices of minorities as long as these practices do not violate the rights and freedoms of others.
What is patriotism?
Love for a country and willingness to sacrifice for it
What is a doctrine?
The teaching tahat your natinal culture and intrests are superior to any other.
What is nationalism? (More in depth)
- Patriotism
- The doctrine that your national culture and intrests are superior to any other
- The ambition of naitonal indpendance or self-determination felt by people under foreign domination
- The understanding that natoins should act independently to attain their goals
What is Soverignty?
The authority of a state to govern itself or another state
What is self-determination?
Authority of a state to govern itself or another state; freedom to make own choices
How have the historical, geographical, cultural, political, and religious diversity within states (i.e., countries) contributed to the development of different types of nationalism, and why is there no one-size-fits-all approach to nationalism?
Due to varying historical, geographical, cultural, political, and religious reasons different nations and forms of nationalism form. Because each region and variety of independent factors vary you will not see the same nationalism from nation to nation.
What is ethnic naitonalism?
A nation that is primarly defined by language, religion, cutsoms, and tradtions
Believe that its not the state that makes the nation rather the nation that makes the state
The glue of the nation is pre-existing ethnic characteristics.
Ex: Nazi Germany
What is civiv nationalism?
-Nationhood is defined by a common citizenship.
-People living together based on acceptance of shared values and beliefs expressed in written doucments (Constitution/Laws)
-Nationhood is granted REGARDLESS of ethnicity, race, colour, religion, gender, language
-People united in a patriotic attachment
What are the 5 things that Civic nationalists empahsis?
- Law
- Choice
- Unity by consent
- Democratic pluralism
- Indiviudal creates nation
What are the 8 things that an ethnic nationalist emphasize
Common roots (blood)
Emotional attachment
Unity by ascription (hereditary)
Ethnic majority rules
Nation creates individual
What is Ultranationalim?
Nationalism that is excessive or extreme - to the point of harming another nation
- Expulsion or oppression of a non-native population or opposing population
- Oftens lends itself to war within or outside it’s boundries
What is supranationalism?
Nationalism that extends beyond borders
- Nations coming together for won benefit
- Sacraficing aspects of their own naitonalism to further intrests
- ex: European Union
What is internationalism?
Naitons putting aside their nationalsim for the grater good of humanity beyong borders.
- All people are equal and should treat each other like equals
- Desire for world peace is the main principle
-Be a citizen of your nation and your globe
Example: NGO and United Nations
What is economic nationalism?
The ideology of maintaing or strengthining control over owns own domestic economy in face of global competition
- A set of practices to create and protect national economies.
- Loayalty to local economies