Chapter 1/2 Vocab Flashcards
What is alination?
A feeling of isolation or estrangement from a group, community, or nation. It often arises when individuals feel disconnected from the social, political, or economic structures around them.
What is a civic Nation
A nation built upon shared values, beliefs, and laws, and citizenship. It emphasizes political equality and participation.
What is decolonization
The process by which a colony gains independence from a colonial power, leading to self-governance and the restoration of control over its own affairs.
What are federlists?
someone who believes in the type of political system in which states or territories share control with a central government
What does international mean?
Relating to relations or actions involving multiple nations or occurring between countries. This term is often used in the context of global cooperation or diplomacy.
What is a Non-nationalist Loyalty?
Loyalty to a cause, group, or entity other than a nation-state. It can be directed toward religion, ideology, region, or community.
What is reasonable accommodation?
The legal and policy principle that allows for the modification of laws or practices to accommodate minority or disadvantaged groups, provided it does not impose undue hardship on others.
What is segregation?
The enforced separation of different racial, ethnic, or cultural groups in daily life, such as in schools, housing, or public spaces, often resulting in social inequality.
What is Self-determination?
The right of a people or nation to decide their own political status, form of government, and path of development without external interference.
What are sovereignists?
Used for describing the acquiring or preserving political independence of a nation or a region, a sovereigntist aims to “take back control” from perceived powerful forces
What is sovereignty?
The authority of a nation or state to govern itself without external control, encompassing political, legal, and territorial independence.
What is a nation-state?
A political entity characterized by a defined territory, government, and sovereignty, where the population shares a common identity, often based on language, culture, or ethnicity.
What are radicals?
Individuals or groups advocating for significant or revolutionary changes in society, often seeking to completely overhaul political or social systems.
What was the french revolution?
A period of radical social and political change in France (1789–1799) that led to the fall of the monarchy, the rise of democracy, and widespread social upheaval.
What is regionalism?
Loyalty to a particular region or area, often leading to a focus on local rather than national interests. It can sometimes foster movements for greater autonomy or independence.
What is ethnocentrism?
The belief that one’s own ethnic group or culture is superior to others, often leading to prejudiced attitudes or discrimination against different cultures.
What is nationalism/nationalist?
A political ideology or movement that emphasizes loyalty, pride, and devotion to one’s nation. Nationalists seek to promote the interests of their nation, sometimes through the pursuit of independence or self-governance.
What is a ultranationlist?
An extreme form of nationalism where individuals or groups advocate for aggressive or exclusive policies to promote their nation’s dominance, often at the expense of other nations or minorities.
What is an ethnic nation?
A nation defined primarily by shared ethnicity, culture, language, and ancestry, where membership is based on common heritage rather than shared civic values.
What is multiculturlism?
A societal policy or practice that recognizes, respects, and promotes the coexistence of diverse cultural groups within a nation or state.
What is supranationalism?
An arrangement where multiple countries agree to work together within a collective structure, often surrendering some sovereignty to achieve common goals. Examples include the European Union or the United Nations.
What is patriotism?
Love, devotion, and loyalty to one’s country, often manifested through pride in national achievements and support for national policies or interests.
What are contending nationalist loyalties?
Situations where an individual or group has conflicting loyalties to different nations or national causes, potentially leading to divided allegiances or internal conflict.
What is precedence?
The state of being considered more important or of higher priority than something else, often in the context of law, culture, or national interests
What is Diaspora Nationalism?
Nationalist feelings or movements among people who are living outside their ancestral homeland, often seeking to maintain cultural identity and, in some cases, support the creation of an independent nation-state.
What is a Conscientious Objection?
The refusal to perform a certain duty or service (often military service) on moral or religious grounds, based on an individual’s personal beliefs.
What is descent/ancestry?
The lineage or heritage of an individual or group, often used to describe their ethnic, cultural, or familial origins.
What is a soverign government?
A government that possesses full control and authority over its territory and people, free from external interference or control.