intro to sociology key terminology Flashcards
What are social institutions?
the various organised social arrangements which are found in all societies
e.g. family, religion, education and government
What is a social structure?
refers to the social institutions and social relationships that form the ‘building blocks’ of society
What is socialisation?
the lifelong process by which people learn the culture of any society, carries out by agencies of socialisation
What is culture?
the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, dress, diet, roles, knowledge and skills which make up the ‘way of life’ of any society
What are norms?
social rules which define the correct and acceptable behaviour in a society or social group to which people are expected to conform
What are values?
general beliefs about what is right or wrong, and about the important standards which are worth maintaining and achieving in any society or social group
What is identity?
concerned with how individuals see and define themselves and how other people see and define them
What are role models?
people’s patterns of behaviour which others copy and model their own behaviour on
What is role conflict?
The conflict between the successful performance of 2 or more roles at the same time, such as those of worker, mother and student
What are customs?
Norms which have lasted a long time and have become part of society’s traditions
What is social control?
various methods used to persuade or force individuals to conform to the dominant social norms and values of society
What is informal social control?
social control through peer-group pressure, personal embarrassment at doing something bad, or the pressure of public opinion
What is formal social control?
social control through institutions like the law or school rules
What is social class?
a group of people who share a similar economic situation, such as occupational level, income and ownership of wealth
What is social mobility?
the movement of groups or individuals up or down the social hierarchy, from one social class to another
What are life chances?
the chances of obtaining those things defined as desirable and of avoiding those things defined as undesirable in any society
What is ascribed status?
status given by birth or family background, which cannot be changed by individuals
What is achieved status?
status that is achieved by. an individuals own efforts or talents
What is a sociological perspective?
involves a set of theories which influences what is looked at when studying society
What is a social construct?
An idea that has been created and accepted by people in a society