2.2 differential educational attainment - ethnicity Flashcards
Which ethnic groups performed the highest in GCSEs in 2013/2014?
- Chinese and Indian
Which ethnic groups performed the lowest in GCSEs in 2013/2014?
gypsy/roma and black Caribbean
What ethnic group performed the highest in GCSEs in 2015/2016?
What ethnic groups performed the highest in GCSES in 2021/22?
Chinese and Indiam
What ethnic group performed lowest in GCSEs in 2021/22?
How can cultural deprivation explain differences in educational attainment with different ethnicities?
- low income black families lack intellectual stimulation, fail to develop reasoning and problem solving skills
- children who don’t speak English at home may be held back educationally
What is a criticism of children who don’t speak English at home’s low attainment?
the Swan Report (1985) = language isn’t a major educational factor
What does Bereiter and Engelmann (1966) argue about cultural deprivation?
the language of poorer black American families is ungrammatical and disjointed
- their children are unable to express abstract ideas, thus there is a major barrier to educational success
BUT this is outdated and harmful
What other cultural deprivation arguments are there?
- the subculture into which some black children are socialised is fatalistic
- the lack of a male role model for some African or Caribbean boys - encourages an anti-educational macho gang culture
- high rates of lone parenthood + lack of positive role models leads to the underachievement of Black Caribbeans
What did Moynihan (1965) argue about differential educational attainment?
- the culture of poverty:
- the absence of a male role model produces inadequately socialised children
- then they become inadequate parents themselves
- perpetuates a culture of poverty
What did Pryce (1979) argue about differential educational attainment?
- the impact of slavery:
- Black Caribbean culture is less resistant to racism because of the experience of slavery
- many black people have low self-esteem and underachieve
What did Khan (1979) argue about Asian families?
- the Asian family is an obstacle to achievement especially for girls, because it takes a controlling attitude towards them
- as a result they do less well than boys
What are some criticisms of Khan?
- some Asian familes have more positive attitudes towards their education and that adult authority in them is similar to that in school
- Asian parents are more likely to support the school’s behaviour policies
What are some criticisms of Khan?
- some Asian familes have more positive attitudes towards their education and that adult authority in them is similar to that in school
- Asian parents are more likely to support the school’s behaviour policies
What did Stephen Strand find in his analysis of data from the 2004 Longitudinal Study of Young People?
- Indian students are the ethnic group:
- most likely to complete homework 5 times a week
- less likely to truant
- less likely to be excluded
- parents were more likely to say that they knew where their children were
- this suggests that higher parental and student aspirations offset the disadvantaging effects from social and economic factors
What did Stephen Strand find in his analysis of data from the 2004 Longitudinal Study of Young People?
- Indian students are the ethnic group:
- most likely to complete homework 5 times a week
- less likely to truant
- less likely to be excluded
- parents were more likely to say that they knew where their children were
- this suggests that higher parental and student aspirations offset the disadvantaging effects from social and economic factors
What did Francis and Archer (2005) argue about British Chinese students and parents?
- the high value placed on education by parents, coupled with a strong cultural tradition of respect for one’s elders, which facilitates the transmission of high educational aspiration from parents to children, and that students derive positive self-esteem from constructing themselves as good students
What does Lupton (2004) argue about WC white pupils?
- teachers reported poorer levels of behaviour and discipline in the white working class schools
- they linked this to lower levels of parental support
What did Evans(2006) argue about white WC pupils?
- street culture in white areas can be brutal and can be brought into school
- the result is a strong pressure to reject education
What does Martin Mac an Ghail argue about white WC boys?
- there is a crisis in masculinity with white WC boys
- loss of jobs in a post-Fordist society due to globalisation, there was a loss of jobs previously seem as ‘masculine’ to other countries
- leaves some boys with lower aspirations, no hopes, no future and underachieve at school
What did Paul Willis find?
- the white WC ‘lads’ living in deprived council estates, seek status through the gang of lads -> anti-school subculture
What policies were introduced to try to combat cultural deprivation?
- Operation Head Start
- Sure Start centres
- the EMA
- Pupil Premium
- Tony Sewell’s Generating Genius programme
What are some criticisms of cultural deprivation?
- victim blaming
- cultural exclusion
- cultural domination of white MC culture
- Keddie= minority ethnic groups are culturally different, not culturally deprived
How can it be argued that material deprivation leads to differential educational attainment between ethnicities?
- for many minorities e.g. Pakistani and Bangladeshi, unemployment is higher, pay is lower and overcrowding in the home is more likely
- Indian families are more likely to be wealthier and therefore more likely to pay for tuition
- white MC are more likely to go to university
- Black Caribbean lone parent families only have one salary