4.1 ownership and control of the mass media - marxist theories Flashcards
What are the general arguments of Marxism?
- they believe that inequalities in wealth and income, and therefore poverty and life chances, are the direct result of the way capitalism is organised
What is the role that ideology plays in the media?
- the ideological role of the media is concerned with the extent to which the media socialise audiences into a particular view of the world and the society in which they live in
How does the media act as an ideological state apparatus?
- it seeks to induce in the mass of people a false consciousness of their exploitation and their real interests
- they persuade people to accept that everyone benefits from the way society is presently organised and that is fair and just
What does Ralph Miliband argue about the media?
- the media play an important role in spreading the dominant ideology
- the media controls access to the knowledge which people have about what is happening in society, and encourage them to accept the unequal society in which they live
What is meant by the manipulative/instrumentalist approach of Marxist theory?
- it suggests that the owners directly control media content, and manipulate the content and media audiences to protect their profits and spread the dominant ideology
How did Curran and Seaton(2010) evidence the manipulative/instrumentalist approach?
- they found evidence that suggests that media owners did interfere and manipulate newspaper content, at the expense of the independence of journalists and editors, to protect their own interests and supported or witheld criticisms of govts which defended their interests
- in 2003 = Rupert Murdoch was arguing strongly in interviews for a war with Iraq and all 175 of his newspapers around the world backed him
What does the manipulative/instrumental approach assume about audiences?
- media audiences are passive who don’t think critically about what they read/watch or see
What does Marcuse argue about audiences?
- the media owners play a large role in helping to control the working class through a bread and circuses approach
- the owners deliberately make sure that media output is mainly entertainment focused so that people are kept happy and docile
What is meant by the phrase ’bread and circuses’?
- it is used to describe superficial entertainments used to satisfy populations so that they are distracted from real issues such as the causes of poverty
What are some criticisms of the manipulative/instrumentalist approach?
- pluralists = argue there is a wide range of opinion in the media and the media owners are only concerned with making profits
- the state regulates media ownership so that no one person has too much influence
- audiences aren’t as gullible and easily manipulated as the approach suggests
- they fail to acknowledge that many journalists and media publications still see themselves as the guardians of the public interest and dedicate their careers to exposing members of the establishment who abuse their powers
What is the neo-Marxist approach to media ownership and control?
- the mass media do spread a dominant ideology that justifies the power of the ruling class BUT it also suggests that they rarely have day-to-day control of the content of the media which is left in the hands of managers and journalists
Who’s studies are associated with the neo-Marxist approach?
- The Glasgow Media Group (GMG)
What is the emphasis of the neo-Marxist approach?
- the concept of hegemony
What is meant by hegemony?
- the idea that, through the spreading of the dominant ideology, other social classes are persuaded to accept that the values and beliefs in that ideology are reasonable and normal, and form a consensus that becomes part of everyday common sense
- this enables the ruling class to rule with the consent of those they rule over
What does the hegemonic approach suggest about media ownership?
- media managers and journalists have some professional independence; they still generally support the dominant ideology, but by choice - not because they are manipulated to do so
What do the GMG find about point out about journalists?
- most journalists tend to be white, MC, and male and their socialisation means they share a similar view of the world to that of the dominant class