1.1 feminist views on the family Flashcards
What do marxist feminists believe about the family?
the oppression of women is linked to capitalism
- all labour, paid and domestic is exploitation by the ruling class
What are Bentson’s view on the family?
- domestic work is unpaid but has great value
- women’s unpaid labour and sexual services ensure that the male workforce is fit and healthy for work + the male’s wage doesn’t cover this (2 for 1)
What was Beechey’s views on the family?
women are a cheap reserve army of labour = they are used to bolster the workforce in times of economic boom and they’re expected to return home when the economy contracts
What did Ansley say about the family?
- capitalism strips men of their dignity, they feel alienated
- male frustration is taken out on the female
- women act as safety valves for capitalism
What is meant by dual burden?
women are doubly exploited:
first by their capitalist jobs
then by their domestic labour
What is the solution to women’s oppression for marxist feminists?
the abolition of capitalism
What do radical feminists believe about the family?
the family functions for the benefit of men - who are to blame for women’s oppression, not capitalism
What do Redfern and Aune argue?
the family is a place of violence against women and children
male violence takes many forms: FGM, marital rape, honour killings (AO2 = 12/13 a year in the UK)
What do Duncombe and Marsden argue about the family?
introduce the concept of triple shift = a woman picks up 3 shifts everyday
1) paid labour
2) domestic work
3) emotional work - are responsible for everyone’s needs
What is the solution for radical feminists?
separatism and political lesbianism
- women and men should live separately and women should use IVF to reproduce; lesbianism is offered as a positive alternative to men
Evaluation of the radical feminist view of the family
- fails to recognise that many women have independence
- some women find marriage/family to be very rewarding not oppressive
- too radical + exaggerates the exploitation of women
What is the liberal feminist view on the family?
argues for equal rights for both men and women
What did Ann Oakley think about the family?
gender socialisation = major cause of ignorance
- girls are taught to behave within a set of female behaviours e.g. bedroom culture, whereas boys are taught different behaviours
AO2 for liberal feminism
they campaign for change in social policies and laws:
- equal rights
- equal pay
- Sex discrimination laws
- changes in divorce laws
Evaluation of the liberal feminist view of the family:
- only reflects the situation for white, middle class women
- fails to recognise the situation for poorer groups, disabilities, etc
- Cosaro = critical of gender role socialisation; argues that there is little evidence to suggest that what goes on in the home leads to inequality BUT is this true?