2.3 relationships and processes within schools Flashcards
Hargreaves and Willis’ study
- subcultures can be pro-school or anti-school
- members have things in common, gain status, mutual support and a sense of belonging
- anti-school subcultures are predominantly found in bottom sets
Louise Archer = University’s not for me, ‘I’m a Nike person’
- mixed methods(longitudinal interviews and group interviews)
- working class’ culture isn’t represented, they suffer symbolic violence
Louise Archer = Pupil Identities (2008)
- ideal pupil = white, middle class, highly achieving
- pathologised pupil = Asian, lower class but deserving poor, conformists
- demonised pupil = black or white working class, seen as unintelligent, peer-led
Peter Woods
- not just pro or anti, it is a wide variety
What are the 8 sub-cultures that Woods identified?
- ingratiation = eager to please teachers
- compliance = rather neutral
- opportunism = try to please teachers and win popularity
- ritualism = not overly enthusiastic
- retreatism = dont seek academic success
- colonisation = hostile towards school
- intransigence
- rebellion
Mirza (1992)
- 62 black girls, found that they had very +ve attitudes to school
- although many thought that some teachers were racist, they still valued their education
Martin Mac an Ghail (1994) = a study of the relationship between schooling, class, masculinity and sexuality
- macho lads = hostile to school authority
- academic achievers = called effeminate and ridiculed
- new enterprisers = accepted new enterprise linked vocational subjects
- Real Englishmen = reject authority BUT achieve success by appearing not to care
- gay students = feel neglected
Hollingworth and Williams:
- now a greater variation in middle class subcultures based on consumption e.g. skaters, emos, goths, hippies and poshies
What is meant by labelling theory?
- labelling by teachers can contribute to the moulding of student identities and has been proven to effect educational performance and behaviour
- it can affect a child’s self-concept
What is the halo effect?
- students are either labelled with a halo or an unfavourable halo
Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) = Pygmallion in the Classroom
- field experiment
- sample of 20% and told the teachers that those students could be expected to achieve rapid development
- the teachers passed on their high expectations which led to a self-fulfilling prophecy
Howard Becker
- semi-structures interviews, 60 teachers asking what their ideal pupil would be
- upper-middle class pupil best fit the description
Harvey and Slatin (1976) = Social Class Laboratory Experiment
- 96 teachers shown 18 photos
- teachers were then asked to rate children on their performance, parental attitudes to education, aspirations and so on
- the results have shown that lower class students were rated less favourably
Rist = Cardinals, Tigers and Clowns
- appearance can influence teacher labelling
- there were three tables:
1. tigers = smart and engaged
2. cardinals = appearance as expected
3. clowns = scruffy and disengaged
Gillborn and Youdell (2000)
- teachers had ‘racialised expectations which resulted in black students being negatively labelled as a threat
- black boys are more likely to be excluded or put in bottom set
Waterhouse (2014)
pivotal identity
- teachers believe that some students are deviant and others are normal
- any behaviours that are different to the pivotal identity will be seen as temporary
Wright (1992)
- Asian pupils received less attention from teachers from having been labelled as having poor language skills
Fuller (1984)
- a group of black working class girls who were labelled as failures actually worked harder and rebelled against the low expectations of their teachers
What is meant by banding?
schools try to ensure their intakes have a spread of pupils with different abilities
What is meant by setting?
students are divided into different groups based on ability in particular subjects
What is meant by streaming?
students are divided into groups of similar ability in which they stay for all subjects
Stephen Ball (1981)
Beachside Comprehensive
- top stream students are ‘warmed up’ and are encouraged to achieve highly
- lower stream students are ‘cooled down’ and encouraged to follow lower status vocational courses
Smyth et al
- students in lower stream classes have more negative attitudes to school, find the pace of teaching too slow and spend less time on homework
Rutter (1979)
Fifteen Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and their Effects on Children
- good schools can make a difference on life chances of all pupils; feature of the organisation make this difference, such as:
- teachers are well prepared for lessons, have high expectations, set examples of behaviour and encourage students to do well