Intro to Histo Flashcards
study of cells and body tissues
purpose of histo
. understand tissue structure at levels not visible to eye
. understand relationship between structure/function
. establish basis for histopathology
types of microscopy
light microscopy (LM) & electron microscopy (EM)
based on interactions of light and tissue with optical lens to focus beam of photons on speciman
. based on interactions of electrons and tissue
. resolving power 1000x LM
. magnification 100xLM
types of EM
transmission EM (TEM) and scanning EM (pseudo 3D views)
(um), 0.001 mm or 10^-6m
(nm), 0.001 um or 10^-9m
smallest distance at which 2 points can be distinguished from each other
unaided eye resolution
0.2 mm
LM resolution
0.2 um (x1000-1500 magnification)
TEM resolution
3 nm (x120,000 magnification)
preparation of tissue for LM steps
fixation, dehydration/clearing/embedding, sectioning, and staining
types of fixation of tissues
chemical w/ formalin, physical by freezing
purpose of fixation of tissues
preserve microscopic organization of cells, tissues, organs
dehydration, clearing, and embedding steps for formalin-fixed tissues
.H2O replaced by organic solvent (ethanol)
. ethanol replaced by clearing agent (xylene)
. xylene replaced by paraffin
sectioning of tissue
steel blade of microtome used to cut 1-10 um thick sections
what are frozen tissues sectioned with?
cryostat (freezing microtome)
staining of tissues
most dyes act as acids/bases & form ionic bonds
most common stain
Hematoxylin and eosin
Is hematoxylin acid or basophilic
basophilic (neg. charged ions that bond to pos. charged tissues)
what color does hematoxylin stain?
Is eosin acid or basophilic
acidophilic (pos. charged ions that bond to neg. charged tissues)
what color does eosin stain?
what is orcein stain used for?
visualize elastin/elastic fibers
what is sudan black stain used for?
visualize lipids
what is silver salts used for as stain?
see reticular fibers
what is periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) stain used for?
see carbs/mucus
what is Wright-Giemsa stain used for?
differential blood cell staining for peripheral blood smears or bone marrow aspirates
what is immunocytochemistry stain based on?
specific binding of antibody to cell/tissue
Steps to prep tissue for EM
. fixation w/ glutaraldehyde
. stain w/ heavy metal
. freeze fracture and freeze etch (don’t require fixation)
why is not fixing and embedding important for EM tissues?
important too see cell membrane properly
structural abnormalities from tissue prep
types of artifacts
. tissue shrinkage
. loss of lipids
. 3D structures sectioned on 2D planes
how many basic tissues make up every organ?
cytology + histology
T/F the ability to magnify is more limiting than the ability to resolve
electron dense color in EM
dark color
electron lucent color in EM
white/light color
how big is rbc
7-8 um