Bone Development And Growth Flashcards
Intramembranous Ossification
. Process used in formation of most flat bones
. Occurs in layer (membrane) of fetal mesenchymal tissue
Intramembranous ossification steps
. Mesenchymal cells (plueripotential) develop into osteoblasts once they secrete osteoid
. Blasts entrap themselves in matrix so cell become osteocytes
. Osteoid mineralized to form mature bone matrix
Where does intramembranous ossification have a tendency to occur?
. Ossification centers w/in mesenchymal membrane initially forming immature bone
. Greater bone formation on surfaces of developing bone forming inner and outer plates of compact bone separated by diploe
Endochondral bone formation
. Process of bone formation where bone is laid down on pre-existing cartilage model
Where does cartilage model arise from in endochondral ossification?
. Arises from mesenchyme
When does endochondral ossification process start?
. When bone collar appears
. Surrounds diaphysis of cartilage model and is produced by osteoblasts that emerge w/in fetal perichondrium so it becomes fetal periosteum
Endochondral ossification steps
. Bone collar forms
. Cartilage adjacent to cartilage calcifies forming calcified cartilage matrix and blood vessels penetrate bone collar to bring osteoprogenitor cells to central region
. Osteoprogenitor cells adhere to calcified matrix remnants and differentiate into osteoblasts
. Osteoblasts lay doesn’t osteoid
Primary ossification center
Initial site of bone deposition
Secondary ossification centers
. Develop in epiphyses of long bones
. only cartilage that remains with these is articular cartilage and the epiphyseal growth plate
Resting zone
Normal looking hyaline cartilage
Proliferative zone
Chondrocytes quickly divide and form columns of cells parallel to long axis of bone
Hypertrophic cartilage zone
Chondrocytes stop to proliferate,,, enlarge, and become principal engine of bone growth
Hypertrophic chondrocytes
Direct mineralization of surrounding matrix, attract blood vessels, and promote transformation of adjacent perichondral cells to become osteoblasts
What proteins are produced by hypertrophic cartilage and what do proteins do
. Type X collagen (assoc. w/ mineralization of cartilage matrix)
. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF): stimulates blood vessel growth
Zone of calcified cartilage
Cartilage calcifies, hypertrophic chondrocytes die via apoptosis
Ossification zone
Empty lacunae invaded by vessels from bone marrow
. Osteoblasts reside in remaining calcified cartilage matrix trabeculae and lay down osteoid
Area immediately below growth plate
Interstitial growth of cartilage
. New growth of cartilage produced by epiphyseal plate of long bones in childhood
. Allows bone to grow further
Result of cartilage proliferation and bone deposition being even
Epiphyseal plate width is relatively constant until it ossified completely during puberty
What age to epiphyseal plates ossify?
20 years old
T/F Bone can continue to growth length wise after epiphyseal plate ossifies
F< only can grow width-wise (appositional growth)
What is responsible for appositional growth?
Rate of bone modeling in children vs. adults
200 times the rate in kids as adults
Factors that cause remodeling
. Growth factors . Pregnancy . Hormones . Bone stress from muscular contraction and body movement . Growth of brain
Basis of orthodontics
Ability for bone to remodel under stress
Bone fracture steps
. Ruptured blood vessels form hematoma at fracture site
. Damage to matrix from disrupted blood supply causes osteocytes death
. Phagocytic cells remove color and damaged bone
How bone fracture is repaired
. Phagocytes remove bone and clot
. Fibroblasts and blood vessels grow into hematoma, form granulation tissue
. Granulation tissue becomes callous
. Periosteum and endosteum produce osteoprogenitors
. Callus stimulates new bone growth
. Callus untied bone ends and with support they heal
. Undergoes remodeling until repaired bone approximates appearance of bone prior to fracture
External callus and role in fracture repair
. Callus around fracture
. Thickens causing lack of blood to deeper part of external callus promoting cartilage formation
. Cartilage replaced by bone in similar process as endochondral ossification
Internal callus and role in fracture repair
. Between fractured ends and bone
. Osteorogenitor cells invade it and produce trabeculae of primary bone that untied ends of fracture
. Provides support to unit ends of bone
Result of inadequate support of bone during healing process
. Abnormal bone structure development