Intro to Antibiotics I Flashcards
overprescription of antimicrobials
facilitate resistance
prophylactic therapy
prevent infection or prevent dangerous disease in those already infected
ex/ HIV infection to prevent opportunistic or post-exposure prophylaxis in those in contact with meningococcal meningitis
preemptive therapy
provide early, targeted therapy in high risk pts asymptomatic but who are infected
ex/ CMV tx if CMV + after solid organ transplant
empiric therapy
infecting organism not known, antibiotics streamlined based on susceptibility and duration
ex/ staph aureus bacteremia treated empirically with vancomycin
post-treatment suppressive therapy
cover patient with antimicrobial therapy at lower dose when infection has not been completely eradicated and immunological or anatomical defect still resent which lead to original infection
ex/ ortho implant that has become infected
gold standard for ID of bacteria
gram stain
minimum inhibitor concentration
lower concentration of drug that inhibits growth
dilution test
serially diluted antibiotics tested with organism
MIC determined
disk diffusion
antibiotic on disk
-measure size of clear zone
determine susceptible or resistant
optical diffusion
test strip with varying antibiotic concentrations on agar
determine MIC
narrow spectrum
single or limited group of microorganisms
extended spectrum
gram positive and significant number of gram negatives
wide variety of bacterial species
-gram positive and negatives
arrest growth and replication of bacteria
protein synthesis inhibitors
kill bacteria
concentration dependent
extent of killing increases with concentration
time dependent
serum concentration above minimum kills bacteria
concentration dependent