درس ششم Intensifying adverbs A: Flashcards
In English, there are lots of other ways of saying very or very much.
For example, we can use words such as highly, utterly, bitterly, and deeply. These alternatives collocate strongly with specific words, and
other combinations often sound unnatural.
A - Highly
(un)likely unusual successful competitive
profitable effective controversial recommended
Highly is used with some probability words (likely, unusual). With the exception of highly controversial it usually combines with very positive words. Extremely can also be used with all the opposite adjectives except recommended.
معمولا با مفاهیم مثبت میاد بجز Highly Controversial
It is highly unlikely that I’ll finish my work on time.
Julia’s highly unusual behavior began to worry her parents.
EX: He used to be highly successful in the tournament as he was highly competitive.
This new business is highly profitable for me.
Effective in: یه چیزی مفید باش
This new invention is effective in reducing air pollution.
Effective for (health & sport): This medicine is effective for …
Effective at (Time): Effective at any time