Intelligence Flashcards
the application of cognitive skills and knowledge to learn or solve a problem
G Factor
Charles Spearman argued that intelligence is a general ability that is applied to all kinds of tasks
smart word for psychological testing
standard test scores that are used as a basis for comparison + interpretation of scores
the process of establishing norms for a test
ex: SAT, AP exams
the consistency of a test
Test-Retest Reliability
when the same ppl are tested and then retested and yields the same scores each time
the capability of a test to measure what it is intended to measure
Predictive Validity
the capability of a test to predict future performance
Intelligence Tests
used to measure one’s cognitive abilities and/or knowledge in an area
Achievement Tests
designed to assess one’s level of knowledge in a given area
Aptitude Tests
designed to predict one’s general ability
Crystallized Intelligence
the ability to apply acquired knowledge to current problems
Fluid Intelligence
the ability to deal with problems by using the mind in new and adaptive ways
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Robert Sternberg proposed this theory that identifies 3 types of intelligence:
ability to judge, reason, evaluate, criticize
ability to deal with everyday tasks and navigate life
invent, discover, etc
Emotional Intelligence
one’s ability to manage and regulate their emotions
• Daniel Goleman coined the term EQ
Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences:
Linguistic Intelligence
the ability to use language to express one’s thoughts and to understand other people orally or in writing
Musical Intelligence
the ability to hear music in one’s head, and to hear tones, rhythms, and larger musical patterns
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
the ability to manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations accompanied by a love of dealing with abstraction
(math shit)
Spatial Intelligence
the ability to represent the spatial world visually in one’s mind
Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence
the ability to use the body / parts of the body to solve a problem, create a product, or put on some kind of production
Intrapersonal Intelligence
the ability to know + understand one’s self, including goals, tendencies, talents, limitations
Interpersonal Intelligence
the ability to notice + make distinctions among other individuals; a strong understanding of people
Naturalist Intelligence
the ability to discriminate among living things and to see patterns; also, a sensitivity to features of the natural world