Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
abnormal behavior
Statistical Abnormality
scoring very high or low on some dimension such as intelligence, anxiety, or depression
Social Nonconformity
disobeying public standards for acceptable conduct
stands for Diagnostic & Statistical Manual Mental Disorders
• used to classify mental disorders by mental health professionals
Categories of Mental Disorders
• Anxiety
• Somatoform
• Mood
• Dissociative
• Schizophrenic
• Personality
an extremely unpleasant feeling of vulnerability, apprehension and fear
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
a condition characterized by excessive anxiety and worrying, occurring more days than not for a period of at least 6 months
Phobic Disorder
marked by a continual, irrational fear of a specific situation or object
Panic Disorder
characterized by a chronic state of tension that can erupt in sudden episodes of intense panic and dread that last several minutes (or hours) and may include a variety of symptoms such as chest pains, trembling, and dizziness
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
an extreme preoccupation with certain thoughts and compulsive performance of particular behavior
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
characterized by the recurrence of a traumatic event, symptoms of increased arousal, avoidance of reminders of the original trauma, and diminished interest in daily activities
Somatoform Disorder
characterized by one or more symptoms of a physical dysfunction but for which there is no underling organic cause
Conversion Disorder
a condition manifested by a physical dysfunction that has no underlying organic base
characterized by a continuing belief that one has one or more serious illness although no medical evidence supports the belief
Dissociative Disorder
a part of an individual’s personality becomes separate (dissociated) from other parts, producing a lack of integration of identity, memory, or consciousness
Dissociative Amnesia
an individual develops a sudden inability to recall important personal information
Dissociative Fugue
when an individual suddenly and unexpectedly travel away from their home or customary place of activities and are unable to recall some/all of their past
Dissociative Identity Disorder (also known as Multiple Personality Disorder)
characterized by the assuming of two or more distinct, integrated personalities, each of which manifests itself at times
Mood Disorder
characterized primarily by a disturbance in mood
Major Depressive Disorder
a person, for no apparent reason, experiences at least two or more weeks of depressed moods, feelings of worthlessness, and diminished interest or pleasure in most activities
Bipolar Disorder
a person alternates between the hopelessness and lethargy of depression and the overexcited state of mania
Seasonal Affective Disorder
some people experience depression only during certain times of the year, usually winter when there is less sunlight
Schizophrenic Disorder
several disorders characterized by distorted thoughts and perceptions, atypical communication, inappropriate emotion, abnormal motor behavior, and social withdrawal
Paranoid Schizophrenics
trust no one and are constantly on guard because they are convinced that others are plotting against them
Catatonic Schizophrenia
evidenced by excessive, sometimes violent motor activity or by a mute, unresponsive condition in which a person may retain the same posture for hours
Disorganized (Hebephrenic) Schizophrenia
characterized by bizarre symptoms, including extreme delusions, hallucinations, and inappropriate patterns of speech, mood, and movement
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
if they exhibit disordered thinking but no symptoms of one of the other types of schizophrenia
takes advantage of other people for personal gain; feels little remorse/guilt