Integration 2 Flashcards
What are modified release drugs?
Products that alter the timing and/or rate of release of the drug substance
What are 3 types of modified release drugs?
Extended release
Delayed release
Targeted release
What are enteric coated drugs?
Oral preps of drugs formulated so the release is delayed until the passage of the dosage form from the stomach to the intestine
For extended release:
Release rate«_space;absorption rate
or Absorption rate «_space;release rate ?
Release rate«_space;absorption rate
Why can crushing ER tablets be dangerous?
Dose dumping- a large dose will be immediately released
What does gut transit of dosage forms depend on?
Gut motility
Type and timing of food ingestion
Type of formulation
In the fasted state, gastric motility is controlled by what?
migrating myoelectric complex
What happens in phase1 of fasted state?
few or no contractions
What happens in phase 2 of fasted state?
intermittent contractions, gradual increase in intensity
What happens in phase 3 of fasted state?
The housekeeper wave: intense contractions and peristaltic waves, indigestible solids are removed
What happens in phase 4 of fasted state?
How often does the fasted state cycle repeat?
1.5-2 hours until a meal is ingested
What happens in the fed state?
Peristaltic contractions to ‘mix and mill’ food and controlled passage of chyme to duodenum.
Rate of gastric emptying usually determines what?
The onset of drug absorption
What 4 factors does gastric emptying of dosage forms depend on?
Density, shape and size of dosage form
Co-administration of other drugs
Biological factors: age, gender, sleep, BMI, diseases
Ingestion and timing of food intake, its caloric content and frequency
What is the small intestine transit time?
3-4 hours
How long is the transit through the colon?
20 hours or more
Residence time is critical for what?
Drugs with a small absorption window
Why would drugs have region specific absorption?
Carrier-mediated absorption
Differential drug solubility or stability in different regions
What pH is the duodenum?
What pH is the iluem?
What pH is the colon?
Where is L-dopa mainly absorbed from?
The duodenum
Which BCS classes would have a short absorption window?
2, 3 and 4