Integ. Unit 6 Management of Non-viable Tissue Flashcards
What is Debridement? What are its benefits?
The removal of dead, damaged, or devitalized tissue
-Removing tissue from wound bed
- Encourages the wounds healing process
- Reduces chronic inflammation by means of removing necrotic tissue
- Promote keratinocyte growth
When should a clincian debride?
- Initial removal of necrosis (escahr, slough)
- Maintenance debridement if warranted
- Hx taking:
-review lab values
-Pharmacological agents (ie blood thinners, pain meds, etc)
-Pain - Obtain vascular studies/ABI
What are the Precautions/Contraindications for Debridement?
- Arterial/Ischemic Ulcers (ABI < 0.4)
- Dry gangrene or dry ischemic wounds
- Elevated temperature (systemic disease)
- Cellulitis (bacterial skin infection) or infection of other etiology
- Wound failure to progress
- Viable exposure to bone, tendon, prostetic device
- Evidence of abscess/extreme undermining
- Stable eschar in arterial insuffiiency/Diabetes
What are the different types of debridement?
Biological agent
- Maggot/Leech therapy
- Using the bodys natural healing mechanisms to debride non viable tissue
- Using a chemaical to remove nonviable tissue
- Application of some outside force or energy to dislodge the nonviable tissue
- Involves instruments to remove nonviable tissue
What is Autolytic Debridement? What are the steps for this?
Endogenous healing of the wound
- Cleansing
- Maintance of a moist environment
- Cross hatch eschar
- Cover with appropriate dressing to promote healing
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Autolytic Debridement?
- More rapid improvement
- Selective (wont harm healthy tissue)
- Can combine with other debridement types
- Caregiver education
- Slower than sharp
- Increased risk of infection
What is Enzymatic Debridement? What are the steps for this?
Enzymes used to prepare the wound bed by allowing them to break down the nonviable tissue
- Obtain physicians order for a collagenase
- Clease wound appropriately
- Apply enzyme directly to the nonviable tissue
- Cover with appropriate dressing (moist gauze)
- Apply 1x/2x per day
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Enzymatic Debridement?
- Selective
- Used in combination with other debridement mechanisms
- Costly
- Slow to notice improvement
Used when wounds may be infected
What is Mechanical Debridement? What are the different types?
This refers to some outside source to remove the non-viable tissue
- Wet to Dry Gauze dressings
- Scrubbing
- Hydrotherapy
- Low frequency ultrasound
- Pulsatile Lavage (Pressurized fluid irrigation)
-Gold Standard = 35-50cc syringe with a 19 gauge catheter to create 4-9psi
avoid > 15 psi
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Mechanical Debridement?
- Used in a variety of settings
- Decreased bacteria
- Alternative to sharp debridement
- Painful!!
- Non-selective (May remove healthy tissue as well, Wet-to-Dry)
- May cause maceration
What is Sharp Debridement? What are the steps for this?
- The most rapid form of debridement
- May require multiple/sequential treatments to clean the wound bed
- Pre-medicate as needed with lidocain/oral medication under supervision of physician
- Assemble necessary equipment including agents to stopn excess bleeding
- Clease wound
- Use scalpel blades (No. 10 or No. 15), curettes, scissors and/or forceps for removal or nonviable tissue
What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sharps Debridement?
- Selective
- Speed
- Painful
- Requires experience
- Increased potential for complications
What should be done if there is excess bleeding during Sharp Debridement?
- Apply pressure for 5-10 min
- Elevation
- Topical agents (Surgical, calcium alginate, silver nitrate)
- Electro cautery (available to surgeons only)