Neuro Outcome Measures Flashcards
What are different Outcome Measure used to assess Balance?
- Romberg
- Sharpened Romberg
- BERG Balance Scale
- Tinetti Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment
- Functionl Reach
Balance Measure
With the Romberg OM, what does it assess and what ICF category does it test? What is the Critera to stop the test?
- Static standing balance assessment
- ICF: Body Structure and Function
- Criteria to stop test: Stop the test if the patient moves their feet, changes their arm position or opens their eyes. The test should be timed and can also be rated on the amount of sway observed
Lacks reliability and validity
Balance Measure
With the Sharpened Romberg OM, what does it assess and what ICF category does it test? What is the critera to stop?
- Static standing balance - Tandem Stance
- ICF: Body Structure and Function
Criteria to stop test: Stop the test if the patient moves their feet, changes their arm position or
opens their eyes.
Lacks reliability and validity
Balance Measure
With the BERG Balance Scale, what does it assess? How many task are there? What score indicates fall risk? What ICF category does it test?
- Static/Dynamic standing balance/Functional mobility
- There are 14 task each with a rated score from 1-4 for a total of 56 points
(The lower the score = Decreased balance) - < 45 = functional (lower has been associated with fall risk)
- ICF: Activity
Excellent Test-Retest and inter/intra rater reliability
Balance Measure
With the Tinetti Performance Assessment OM, what does it assess? How many items are there? What score indicates fall risk? What ICF category does it test?
- Static/Dynamic balance/Gait Screen
- 2 categories: Balance (9 items) and Gait (7 Items)
- < 19 = Fall risk
- ICF: Activity
Excellent reliability for most neuro diagnosis
Balance Measure
With the Functional Reach OM, what does it assess? With what conditions is it recommended for? What ICF categoty does it Test?
- Quick standing balance screen
- Maximum distance reached while in static position
- Modified for sitting
- Highly recommended for use in Stroke and PD; Recommended for MS
- < 6in is indicative of significant fall risk
- ICF: Activity
Excellent reliability
What are some different Outcome Measure that assess Balance and Gait Measures?
- Timed Up and GO Test (TUG)
- Timed Walking Test (6 minute Walk and 10 Meter walk)
- Dynamic Gait Index (DGI)/Functional Gait Assessment (FGA)
With the Timed Up and GO Test (TUG), what does it assess? With what conditions is it recommened? What score indicated Fall risk? What ICF category does it Test?
- Quick screen of dynamic balance and mobility in elderly
- Highly recommended for elderly, PD and MS
- Community dwelling adults: >13.5 seconds = fall risk
- Frail elderly: >32.6 seconds = fall risk
- ICF: Activity
With the 6 Minute Walk Test, what does it assess? With what conditions is it recommended? What ICF category does it test?
- Measures functional endurance/ Activity tolerance
- Highly recommended for most neurological diagnosis
- ICF: Activity
Excellent Reliability
With the 10 Meter Walk Test, what ICF category does it test?
- ICF: Activity
- AD may be used
- Assist may be given
Assesses Gait Speed
With the DGI and FGA, what does it assess? What ICF category does it test?
- Assesses higher level functional mobility
- ICF: Activity
What is the Fugl Meyer OM?
An OM with objective measure of neurological recovery at the impairment level following stroke.
What is the Cut off score for DGI?
- The DGI has a total score of 24
- < 19 is considered a fall risk
What does the PASS OM focus on?
- Assessment of the ability to maintain a given posture and to maintain equilibrium when changing postures
- Applicable to stroke survivors, even in the acute phase of recovery, who demonstrate poor postural control
- Assessment should contain components of increasing difficulty
Balance Measure
What is the PASS OM?
Assesses postural control in stroke survivors
What are the Cut Off score for the 10 Meter Walk Test?
- Full Community ambulation gait speed (able to safely cross street) >1.2 m/s (2.7 mph)
- Community ambulation gait speed is >0.8m/s (>2mph)
- Household to limited community ambulation gait speed is 0.4 – 0.8m/s (1-2mph)
- Household only gait speed is < 0.4m/s (< 1mph)
What is the ICF category for PASS? If (+) what is it an indicator of?
Indicator of fall risk
Stoke OM
With the 5x Sit to Stand OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Stoke OM
With the Fugle Meyer Assessment OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Body Structure/Function
Stoke OM
With the Stroke Impact Scale OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Stoke OM
With the 10 M walk test OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Stoke OM
With the STREAM OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Body Function and Activity
Stoke OM
With the Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Body Function and Activity
Stoke OM
With the Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke (PASS) OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Stoke OM
With the SF-36 OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
Stoke OM
With the Functional Gait Assessment (FGA) OM, where does this fall in the ICF category?
What is the Chedoke McMaster Stroke Assessment (Sequence of Motor recovery)?
This OM is expanded upon the Brunnstrome stages
- This can help us establish a baseline of motor function, track changes over time and It can predict motor recovery (Prognostic implications). This can aid in goal setting.
- If this is ≥ 4 then we do Augmented/Restorative Appoahc
- If this is < 4 we do a compensatory approach
Where in the ICF would you place the MDS-UPDRS pt. 3?
Body Structre and Function
Where in the ICF would you place the MDS-UPDRS pt. 1?
Body Structre and Function
Where in the ICF would you place the MDS-UPDRS pt. 2?
Where in the ICF would you place the Montreal Cognitive Assessment?
Body Structre and Function
Where in the ICF would you place the PDQ-8 or PDQ-39?
Where in the ICF would you place the PDQ-8 or PDQ-39?
With Specific Constructs of OM, what does Freezing of Gait Questionnaire assess?
Freezing Gait
With Specific Constructs of OM, what does Parkinson’s Fatigue Scale assess?
With Specific Constructs of OM, what does ABC Scale assess?
Fear of Falling
With Specific Constructs of OM, what does TUG Cognitive assess?
Dual Task