BPA Unit 1: Intro to BPA Flashcards
What do therapeutic modalities represent?
A diverse group of interventions that add to and complement other therapies in a comprehensive rehabilitation plan.
Name two types of heat therapy modalities.
- Hydrocollator pack
- Paraffin
What is the purpose of diathermy?
Provides heating of deep tissues and may precede stretching or other range of motion activities.
What is the role of electrical stimulation in therapy?
Facilitates functional activities.
List two mechanical modalities.
- Traction
- Compression
What is the primary goal of modulation of pain?
To alter the perception of pain through various therapeutic techniques.
A-delta nerve fibers respond to what types of stimuli? What 3 stimulus are associated with A-delta Nerve Fibers?
- Mechanical and thermal stimuli
- Becomes Sensitized by sharp, stabbing, pricking stimulus (its short-lasting)
C-Nerve fibers respond to what type of stimuli?
Respond to a broad range of stimuli (Polymodal).
- Dull, aching, burning, itching (longer lasting)
central pain pathways
What are 2 types of second-order neurons?
- High Threshold Neurons: Nociceptive-specific receiving input from peripheral nociceptors only (spinothalamic tract)
- Wide-Dynamic Range Neurons: Receive input from nociceptive and non-nociceptive primary afferent fibers (Spinoreticular: Visceral and proprioception) and (Spinomesencephalic: Limbic system)
Both types become sensitized after injury
What does Central Sensitization result in?
- Increased responsiveness to noxious and non-noxious stimuli
- Increased receptive field
- Decreased activation threshold
What are the Characteristics of Acute Pain?
- Results from injury and/or disease causing potential or real tisue damage
- Typically lasting less than 3 months
- Superficial vs Deep tissue pain
- Its biologically meaningful
- Associated with measureable changes
What are the characteristics of Chronic Pain?
- Begins as acute pain, becomes persistent or recurrent
- Persist beyond normal tissue healing time
- Associated with structural and functional changes in CNS
- Often requires multi-modal approach
- Central Sensitization
- Not as biologically meaningful as acute pain
- Associated with psychosocial issues
What are the characteristics of Referred pain?
- Pain at a site remote from the source
- Convergnece of various nociceptors on spinal nerve root
- Central interpretation of afferetn input
How do Biophysical Agents modulate pain?
- Control of acute inflammation
- Decrease nerve conduction velocity
- Stimulate of cutaneous heat receptors
- Gate control theory
- Central inhibition
What are NMES and FES used for?
To increase strength, endurance, and functional use of skeletal muscle.
- Heat, cold or electrical stimulation may also be used to directly inhibit or decrease skeletal muscle activity
- NMES: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
- FES: Functional Electrical Stimulation
What are the Physiologic Events of the Inflammatory Phase of Healing?
What are the Physiologic Events of the Proliferative Phase of Healing?
What are the Physiologic Events of the Maturation Phase of Healing?
What is the goal of using biophysical agents during the inflammatory phase of healing?
Reduce blood flow and decrease cellular metabolism to lessen the formation of edema.
What is the goal of using biophysical agents during the proliferative phase of healing?
Enhancement of blood flow and cellular activity.
What is the goal of using biophysical agents during the maturation phase of healing?
Facilitate collagen maturation and organization
What is a key benefit of heating collagen in tissue therapy?
Facilitates elongation and deformation of collagen fibers, resulting in sustained gains in flexibility.
- Hot packs, Continuous wave Ultrasound, and Continuous Short-wave Diathermy (SWD) are modalities to heat the connective tissue
What types of measurements are used to assess the effectiveness of therapeutic modalities?
- Girth, circumference, and volumetrics (for swelling)
- Goniometric measures (for decreased ROM, flexibility)
- Strength tests (for decreased strength)
- Tests of function (for decreased functional ability
- Tissue healing (for compromised integumentary)