Insights and Analytics (14%) - Recommend Einstein Product Flashcards
What is Einstein in MC?
Einstein features use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to guide the company’s marketing activities
What does Einstein ‘Copy Insights’ do?
Copy Insights analyses the text included in the subject lines of commercial emails to determine factors influencing email engagement
What does Einstein ‘Content Selection’ do?
Content Selection personalised the content included in email messages at open time
What does Einstein ‘Content Tagging’ do?
Content Tagging applies tags to the content uploaded to Content Builder to automate asset organisation
What does Einstein ‘Email Recommendations’ do?
Email Recommendations displays product recommendations inside email campaigns.
What does Einstein ‘Messaging Insights’ do?
Messaging Insights builds an average model of expected email campaign performance and detects anomalies in email metrics
What does Einstein ‘Engagement Frequency’ do?
Engagement Fréquence finds the optimal number of messages sent to subscribers based on past interactions
What does Einstein ‘Send Time Optimisation’ do?
STO finds the optimal time when subscribers are most likely to open email messages
What does Einstein ‘Engagement Scoring’ do?
Engagement Scoring analyses engagement with past email campaigns to group subscribers into four personas.
What Einstein features can be added to Journey Builder canvas as journey activities?
Einstein Scoring Splits
Einstein Frequency Splits
Einstein Send Time Optimisation
What doe an Einstein Scoring Split do in a Journey?
Scoring Splits divide the paths of customer journeys in Journey Builder based on subscriber segments created with Einstein Engagement Scoring.
What does an Einstein Frequency Split do in a Journey?
Frequency Splits divide the paths of customer journeys in Journey Builder based on the Saturation Levels of subscribers created with Einstein Engagement Frequency.
What does Einstein STO do in a Journey?
STO for Journey Builder can be inserted into customer journeys immediately before the message activities to optimise the send time of emails included in journeys.
How much Historical Data do Einstein Features require?
It is recommended to have a minimum of seven and optimally 28 days of historical data for Einstein features to analyse and optimise marketing activities.
What do Einstein features aid with (3)?
How does Einstein aid with Segmentation?
Einstein features can be used to split the path of customer journeys configured in Journey Builder. Segmentation tools include Engagement Scoring.
How does Einstein aid with Orchestration?
Email campaigns can be sent at the time and frequency expected by the recipients with the use of Send Time Optimisation and Engagement Frequency.
How does Einstein aid with Content?
Einstein features including Messaging Insights, Copy Insights, Content Selection and Content Tagging improve the content creation process and content performance.
How does Global Data work with Einstein?
To produce relevant predictions, Einstein features need at least seven days of historical customer engagement data. To begin using Einstein features right after their activation, users may utilise Global Data - which is based on customer data from OTHER MC customers incorporated into the global data pool.
How to Activate Einstein features
To activate Einstein features, users must open each feature separately in MC Setup and click on Activate.
Einstein starts gathering data from the moment a given feature has been activated.
How does Einstein Engagement Scoring work?
Engagement Scoring analyses engagement with past email campaigns to group subscribers into four personas.